rozprawka - dobre i złe strony organizacji imprez sportowych

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rozprawka - dobre i złe strony organizacji imprez sportowych

Postautor: Gość » 19 kwie 2012, 4:24

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki:) śmiało wytykać błędy:)

Temat: Wiele krajów i miast ubiega się o organizowanie waż…nych, międzynarodowych imprez sportowych. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony organizacji takich
imprez dla danego kraju lub miasta.

These days, more and more countries decide to organise international, sport events. This phenomenon has as many drawbacks as positive aspects.

First of all, organising sport events brings a lot of benefits.There is no doubt that football matches are very popular these days. People often go for matches in order to see their favourite player but at first they have to buy tickets. One ticket can cost even 100 euro. Taking into consideration that football stadium can contain about one hundred thousands of people it may be big income.

What is more, thanks to it, local people can know other cultures because of many tourists’arrival. Apart from this they can broaden their knowledge or even improve language skills. It is great occasion to make new friends from other countries.

On the other hand we should take into consideration many drawbacks of organising sport events. Not always it guarantees advantages. Fans sometimes don’t want to go to remote place, arrival maybe costs too much. Then, the country cannot count on big income.

Furtherore, there are many hooligans, who can may destroy events like these. They don’t care that other people go to the stadium with their children and disturb in watching matches. Hooligans often are aggressive and unkind for foreigners. When people from other countries aren’t welcomed well, they will have bad opinion about this country.

Taking these thins into accounts, I personally think that organising sport events maybe great solution for many countries but not always it turns out good option. There are a few factors which matter and it depends to a country.

Re: rozprawka - dobre i złe strony organizacji imprez sportowych

Postautor: aaa59 » 20 kwie 2012, 23:30

Z góry przepraszam jeśli za bardzo się czepiam.
(Pamiętam ten temat ze swojej matury!)

These days, more and more countries decide to organise international [przeciek zbędny] sports events. This phenomenon has as many drawbacks as positive aspects.

First of all, organising sports events brings a lot of benefits [to zdanie jest w sumie zbędne, nie łączy się ze wstępem; jest tak naprawdę powieleniem tego, co już… powiedziałeś; jak zaczynasz akapit sformułowaniem “first of all” to automatycznie powinien nasuwać się pierwszy argument – w tym przypadku – big income; jeśli koniecznie chcesz zaznaczyć, ż…e chodzi o korzyści proponowałabym coś takiego: First of all, as far as benefits are concerned, ….etcetc i tutaj jakoś wkręcić tą popularność]. There is no doubt that football matches are very popular these days. People often go to matches in order to see their favourite player but first they have to buy tickets. One ticket can cost even 100 euro. Taking into consideration that football stadium can contain about one hundred thousand people, it may be big income [moż…e lepiej “a big income is very probable”?].

What is more, thanks to it [coś tu z logiką szwankuje; z tego wynika, ż…e dzięki duż…emu zyskowi ludzie będą w stanie poznać inne kultury; „it” należ…ałoby zamienić na coś bardziej konkretnego np. „thanks to organising such events”], local people can get to know other cultures because of many tourists arriving to see them. Apart from this, they can broaden their knowledge or even improve language skills. It is a great occasion to make new friends from other countries.

On the other hand, we should take into consideration many drawbacks of organising sport events. It doesn’t always guarantee advantages [albo aby urozmaicić składnię/pochwalić się stroną bierną: Advantages are not always guaranteed]. Fans sometimes don’t want to go to remote places, arrival [“arrival” zazwyczaj nic nie kosztuje, to moment, w którym przyjeż…dż…asz na miejsce; tutaj chyba bardziej by pasowało „transport” czy coś] may cost too much. Then, the country cannot count on big income.

Furthermore, there are many hooligans [przecinek zbędny] who can may [may albo can] destroy events like these. They don’t care that other people go to the stadium with their children and disturb watching matches. Hooligans are often aggressive and unkind to foreigners. [huliganie z reguły są agresywni i “niemili” w stosunku do wszystkich, nie tylko turystów; bardziej bym poszła w tę stronę: Aggression and unkindness the foreigners are bound to encounter can spoil the opinion about the country etc etc – jakoś połączyć te dwa zdania] When people from other countries aren’t welcomed well, they will have bad opinion about this country.

Taking these things into account, I personally think that organising sports events may be a great solution for many countries [brakuje jakiegoś dopełnienia, solution for what? wydaje mi się, ż…e bardziej pasowałoby tu ”opportunity”] but it doesn’t always turn out to be a good option. There are a few factors which matter and it depends on a country.
Posty: 7
Rejestracja: 20 kwie 2012, 23:20

Re: rozprawka - dobre i złe strony organizacji imprez sportowych

Postautor: vlord » 10 cze 2022, 16:17

The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken
Posty: 27945
Rejestracja: 08 kwie 2022, 5:32

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