Dear Tom!
I bought a house two weeks ago. It is located in a nice surroundings, not far from the forest and a beautiful lake. I love this house very much ( OR the house in my cup of the - w jest w moim guscie ) because it is totally different then my previous house ( mozna powiedziec then my previous one - ONE w tym znaczeniu bedzie oznaczac nie 1 tylko to j gramatyczna stroktora ktora uzywa sie gdy juz wiemy o czym moilismy wczesniej ale mysle ze na tym poziomie lepiej napsiac porstu house jeszcze raz). It has two floors and 3 bedrooms. My room is located on the second floor. Downstairs there is a sitting room ( mozna powiedziec lounge ale to bardziej po amerykansku )In the sitting room ( lub tez moze byc sitting room czyli taki pokoj dzienny ) there are two coaches and a TV set. On the ground floor ( nalezy pamietaz ze w british englis ground floor liczy sie ze jest parter a pozniej wyjezdza sie na gore na 1 p, po amerykasnku 1 pietro to to co u nas jest prter czyli 0 ) there is also a kitchen and a dinning room . In the dinning room, there is a big table. The bathroom ( lub restroom po AM. lub washroom - w Kanadzie ) is located under the stairs on the ground floor. The main bathroom is on the first floor. My parent's bedroom is on the first floor too. When it comes to my bedroom ( jak chodzi o moja sypialnie ) it is small and it's located on the last floor. Next to the house there is a garage and a beautiful garden ( po AM to yard jezeli chodzi ze sa piekne rosliny ) This house is brand new and very beautiful ( LUB - THIS HOUSE IS GORGEOUS - wspanialy tak sie mowi na cos co jest zachwycajace nas, nie koniecznie musi to byc osoba). I would like to show you this house in the nearest future LUB ( I WISH I COULD SHOW YOU THIS HOUSE IN THE FUTURE ) I invite you to come and see it. If you come I will show you also the surroundings!
LOVE.... (IMIE ) love w tym znaczeniu nie bedzie znaczyc ze sie kogos kocha - piszemy to wtedy gdy kogos znamy i lubimy.
Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam troche jak cos Pozdrawiam!