Temat: AIDS victims should be isolated from the rest of socjety.
The situation of AIDS victims is one of the biggest problems concerning many people oll oper the world.
There are two groups of AIDS victims: people who became infected because of their negligence and people who got AIDS in spite of awaredness of risk.
Existing among people fearbefore to get infected and desire to escape before ill of AIDS.
In our society consciousnessn that to spend time with us ill of AIDS to evoke panic.
To result from small awareness society to concern AIDS.
Opinions are divided but most people usually try to avoid any contacts with such victims.
In my opinion they shouldn’t be isolated fro the rest of society.
Personally I think that in accident AIDS the most important is prevention from isolated.
There people are ill, but still they are valuable member society and isolated maybe only all the people a change for the worse.
As well may to begin isolated people to have flu, cancer or jaundice.
In conclude It would be inhuman to separate them from other people. It would rather make their life worse
a to polska wersja tego na górze:
Sytuacja z ofiarami AIDS jest jednym z największych problemów dotyczących wielu ludzi na calym świecie.
There are two groups of AIDS victims: people who became infected because of their negligence and people who got AIDS in spite of awaredness of risk.
Istnieje wśród ludzi lęk przed zaraż
eniem i chęć ucieczki przed chorym na AIDS.
W naszym społeczeństwie świadomość ż
e przebywa ktos w pobliż
u nas chory na AIDS wywoluje panikę.
Wynika to z malej świadomości społeczeństwa dotyczącej AIDS.
Opinie są podzielone jednak zazwyczaj ludzie próbują unikać jakichkolwiek kontaktów z zaraż
In my opinion they shouldn’t be isolated fro the rest of society.
Osobiście uważ
am ż
e w przypadku AIDS waż
niejsza jest profilaktyka niż
Ci ludzie są chorzy, lecz nadal są wartościowymi członkami społeczeństwa i izolacja moż
e tylko wszystkim wyjśc na gorsze. Równie dobrze moż
na zacząć izolować ludzi chorych grype, raka czy ż
Podsumowując It would be inhuman to separate them from other people. It would rather make their life worse, In my opinion they shouldn’t be isolated fro the rest of society.