Nowadays most people care about their health and frame of mind. They lead a healthy lifestyle. This means that they practice sports such as running, basketball, volleyball, skiing and skating, they spend their spare-time outdoors, they eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, they don’t eat junk food. I think that is very reasonable but also very difficult.
I can’t count me among those people, who lead a healthy lifestyle. First, I don’t practice sports every day , apart from swimming and skating in the summer. I don’t spend a lot of my spare-time outdoors. The only advantage is that lately I go on foot to school. This is an extra hour outdoors. I think this is too little sport anyway. I could also eat more fruit. Apart from bananas and apples, which are my favourite fruits, I could eat more other fruit. I eat a lot of carrots and cucumbers. They are very delicious, but I should eat other vegetables. Unfortunately I eat a lot of sweets. It is my greatest sin. I love chocolate bars, cookies and ice cream. They are very, very delicious and extremely caloric. I think that they don’t affect me well. My latest decision is eliminate sweets from my diet, but I know that it is very difficult and it requires will-power. I hope that I can do that.
I am not a model of a healthy lifestyle, but I am trying hard. I admire people who have succeeded.