Kto mi spradzi czy to jest dobrze??? prosze o pomoc

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Re: Kto mi spradzi czy to jest dobrze??? prosze o pomoc

Postautor: Visitor » 13 lis 2007, 17:40

1. Myślę ż…e to twoja rękawiczka czy mam rację?
I think that is your glove. Do I have right?
2. My próbowaliśmy wytłumaczyć mu ten problem po zebraniu.
We tryed expalin to him this problem after the meeting.
3. Wyszedłem ze szkoły i poszedłem wolno w kierunku rzeki.
I exit to the school and I was going slowly in direction a river.
4. Ty jestes taki zapominalski. Ciągle zapominasz zrobić tak wielu rzeczy.
You are forgetful. Constantly you forget make/do a lot of stuff/thing.
5. gdzie on jest? on przygotowuje sie do zajęć na jego uczelni.
Where is he? He preparation to classes on him university.
6. Jak czułeś sie kiedy zobaczyłes ze statek sie pali?
How do you feel when you see, thet ship is burn?
7. Anna ogladała duzo telewizji kiedy była chora w zeszłym roku.
Ann was wtching a lot of television when she was ill in the last year.
8. Co porabiałeś w ostatni weekend? czy nie poszedłeś do teatru?
What did you went in the last weekend? If you don't go to the theater?
9.Słyszę ze istnieje mozliwosc wojny w polnocnej afryce.
I hear, that is possibillity war in a north Africa.
10. Czy drzwi byly zamkniete kiedy wrociles do domu ostatniej nocy?
If a door was cloused when you come back to home in the last night?

Re: Kto mi spradzi czy to jest dobrze??? prosze o pomoc

Postautor: Danae21 » 13 lis 2007, 19:28

1.I think that's your glove,isn't it?
2.We tried to explain this problem to him after the meeting.
3.I left school and went slowly towards the river.
4.You are so forgetful.You are always forgetting to do so many things.
5.Where is he?He's preparing for his classes in the university.
Posty: 93
Rejestracja: 08 lut 2005, 0:00

Re: Kto mi spradzi czy to jest dobrze??? prosze o pomoc

Postautor: Visitor » 13 lis 2007, 19:38

1. I think that this is your glove. Am I right?
2. After the meeting we tried to explain this problem to him.
3. I went out of the school and then I went slowly in the direction of a river.
4. You are so forgetful! You are constantly forgetting to do a lot of things!
5. Where is he? He is preparing for the classes at the university.
6. How did you feel when you saw the ship burning?
7. Ann was watching a lot of TV when she was ill last year.
8. What did you do last weekend? Didn't you go to the theatre?
9. I can hear that there is a possibility of war in North Africa.
10. Was the door closed when you came back home last night?

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