Błagam pomóż…cie - czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić błędy

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Re: Błagam pomóż…cie - czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić błędy

Postautor: Visitor » 20 lis 2007, 19:50

jak w temacie... Mialam do napisania recenzje z filmu Armageddon a z anglika niestety jestem noga ;(
Z góry dziękuję za poświęcony czas ;)


I like a science-fiction films so I will describe one of them. This film was direced by Michael Bay.
It is about the struggle between people and a huge meteor. If it fell down, our planet would be destroyed. Boss Dan Thruman, played by Billy Bob Thomton, thinks that mission of space shuttle, which will be land on the meteor, will drill holes and will place there nuclear bomb. Harry Stamper, played by Bruce Willis, is the only one human, who could do it. They must been become astronauts. Colonel said to them: ‘United States astronauts train for years. You have twelve days.’ They flying for meet the danger after all.
Mission with Harry Stamper and his friends was successful and all were happy.
In my opinion all the actors will great fill the bill. Bruce Willis plays -like always- (redeem - chodzi mi o wybawiciela ale nie wiem jak to napisac),but curiously enough, he dies!
In addition the plot is embellishing by funny quotes like this:
Grace Stamper: First time I got my period, Rock had to take me to Tai-Pei for Tampax. Then he had to show me how to use them.
[Off Harry's stern look]
A.J: I told her how to use them. I didn't show her, Harry.
I think that ‘Armageddon’ deserves the biggest applause, because plot- danger for the world, a hero(or several heroes) troting for resque rest of humans - very often repeats in other movies in thiis production is not boring, and it’s not ‘trailing’ too. It’s better than many others witch simillar topic.

Re: Błagam pomóż…cie - czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić błędy

Postautor: Visitor » 20 lis 2007, 22:05

Tekst oryginalny prawie dobry, ale obawiam się, ż…e na solidną ocenę moż…e nie wystarczyć (sporo błędów i brak spójności tekstu). Polecam zerknąć na moją wersję :)

The film entitled "Armageddon" is one of my favourite science-fiction movies. It was directed by Michael Bay. This movie is about a struggle between people and a huge meteor which is approaching our planet very fast. If it fall down, the world will be destroyed. The boss Dan Thruman, played by Billy Bob Thomton, has to find the best solution to this unexpected situation. He suggests drilling holes in the meteor and placing nuclear bombs in there. There are only few people who can complete this dangerous mission. Harry Stamper, played by Bruce Willis, is one of them. Stamper and his friends have to become astronauts. They have only twelve days to gain all necessary skills that they will be able to travel to space. After their training is completed, they fly to meet the danger. Because of their heroism the hole mission is successful.

In my opinion all actors play their characters very well that we can enjoy watching this movie. Bruce Willis plays a hero who needs to sacrifice his life to save mankind. In addition, the plot is embellished by funny quotes like this one:
Grace Stamper: First time I got my period, Rock had to take me to Tai-Pei for Tampax. Then he had to show me how to use them.
[Off Harry's stern look]
A.J: I told her how to use them. I didn't show her, Harry.

To sum up, I think that "Armageddon" deserves the biggest applause. Although the plot of this movie can be seen in different science-fiction movies, "Armageddon" is neither boring nor worthless. I recommend this film to everyone who likes interesting and exciting movies.

Re: Błagam pomóż…cie - czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić błędy

Postautor: Visitor » 20 lis 2007, 22:57

Dzięki wielkie, ratujesz mi ż…ycie :)

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