chciabym prosic o sprawdzenie poprawnosci gramatycznej(głownie chodzi o czasy), ewentualnie o poprawienie bledow ortograficznych i wniesienie poprawek by teks byl ciekawszy i bez bledow stylistycznych. dziekuje z gory bardzo i pozdrawiam;]
Hi! My name is Wojtek. today I would like toyou about diferet sides of work.
First of all we must divide the. We can participate to physical and intellectual work. Both aren't easy and reqire large intension.
Intellectual work is often hld in one place in sit position usually in front of computer or difrernt books and documents. Thiswork progres our mind but in isn'trpfiltable for our physical condition. Person who work beheind desk have often problems with obiedty and diferent aliment of heart.
However physical work reqire from person a lot of energy. It is profiltable for our health. Obviously are also excepts. Exist works with are more harmful for organism then desk work. Such profesion are: mining, job in factory for example brick factory. Physical work is also risky. Teoreticly is little stres out and better influence an our mind. However it isn't strict rule, because our mood in large gange deoend of our soranding, teamthat is peoples wit we work.
Intelectual work er can divide on menagment and exact dutys. Both this form reqire from human special predisositions and acquired skills. Physical work with litlle except is depend on execute dutys. However are sytuations when boss, menager work with his peoples for example- oreman on building.
Frequent probles worker are;
-problem with wheirdssurrondings and relat stress and bad mood.
bad hobbits, cigaretts unfortunetly common problem with exist in psyhe as privilage.
-drags and alcohol- peoples who have problems in work often search retreat in this condiments.
Some drugs are too "helpful" in intellectual work when worker can't cope with given task.
-Difernt problem is not normalize hour of job, too lang hours of work and absence of sleep. Often this is result of willgness big profit.
I have priperd difernet atributes workers.
Codex of work- thing very useful when we don't want let use or when we want get acquinted with low faculty.
Glasses- demage look is often problem amind desk workers.
Keyboard- skill of fast writing is in present times necessary to get good work.
Cigarette- "attribute" workers physical but also substantial group intellectual workers. In life every worker break on cigarette is special holiday and moment to "relaxation and rest".