Write a ghost story
One day 1(when?), I was in 2(where?). J was with 3(who?). It was 4(weather?). We were 5(doing what?).
We were 6(doing what?) when, suddenly, we hard 7(what noise?). We went 8(where?) and we saw a 9(what ghost?) in 10(what clothes?). It/He/She was 11(doing what?)
We felt 12(how?) and we 13(did what?). Then we 14(did what?). In the end, we told 15(who?) about the ghost. They 16(did/did't) believe us!
Ale trzeba tu dodawać jeszcze własne zdania
One day last year, I was in grandmother's house, because my grandmother had birthday. This house is very big. J was with my brother. It was a sunny. We were watching film in TV. It was horror
We were going to bed when, suddenly, we hard horrible noise. We went to kitchen and we saw a big ghost in black coat and dark hair. He was looknig at us. We were get scared
We felt 12(how?)(tutaj nie wiem w ogóle co dać) and we escaped from this house Then we we called to parents. In the end, we told parents about the ghost. They didn't believe us!
To ja wymyśliłem i prosiłbym o poprawę tego oraz dodania do opowiadania jakiś 1-2 swoich zdań (sam dadałem zdania ale więcej nie umie wymyśleć)