Mam na jutro napisac esej na temat osobnych szkol dla kobiet i mezczyzn.
Jesli mam jakies bledy gramatyczne, to moglibyscie mnie poprawic, co tam mam zle, z gory dziekuje jak ktos mi pomoze : ]
Nowadays people are introducing and changing reforms apply system of education. One of them is controversial for some people. The problem is that should girls and boys be educated separately? Education is very important fot many young people who want gain knowledge. The question is this a good idea?
There are several advantages to single-sex schools. Firstly, students can focus on learning, because hormons ''won't go to one's head''. In normal school there are many couples which we can see in the timetable. they are kissing and embrasing. Some people think, that is wrong and disturb in learning. Secondaly, teachers can prepare subjects according to interests students, Boys and girls usually have another interests. The single-sex school can concantrate individually on interests female or male. Finally experts think that in these schools are improving behaviour students, when they're seperate to the other gender.
However, there are also many arguments against single-sex schools. One of the disadvantage this school is that students will be hard adapt with the society in the near future when they will finish school and start a real life. Secondally young people don't have conditions to know interests the other gender. For example boys usually like motorization but maybe some girls would be interested on that kind of thing.
In conclusion, although single-sex schools can be a good solution if students want spend time with one genre. In my opinion these schools should exist in bigger cities. It gives larger possibillities when we're choicing a school.