Prośba o sprawdzenie

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Prośba o sprawdzenie

Postautor: adaxada » 01 kwie 2009, 20:18

Hej! Mam takie zadanie na angielski: use the cues and write a letter of complaint. Rememeber about the proper layout and style.
cues: 25th July,2004; the manager, Computer World, 24 Henbury Hill, Henbury, SK 13 9NW; bought computer, 20th July; printer stopped working; shop assistant refused to have it serviced; didn't have a receipt; found a receipt; didn't want replacement; want a refused.

Szanowna Pani/Panie
Z przykrością zawiadamiam ż…e w pańskim sklepie pracują nieodpowiedzialni ludzie. Swoje zaż…alenie uzasadniam tym iż… dnia 20 lipca kupiłam w pańskim sklepie komputer z drukarką i skanerem. Przed zakupem starannie obejrzałam wszystkie opakowania i wszystko było w jak najlepszym porządku. .Niestety po rozpakowaniu pudeł w domu okazało się, ż…e drukarka nie chce działać. Moje zdziwienie było przeogromne, ponieważ… w sklepie wszystko było sprawdzane. Następnego dnia postanowiłam przyjść i wymienić drukarkę na nową. Podeszłam do sprzedawcy i przedstawiłam mu zaistniałą sytuację. On takż…e był zaskoczony, ale odmówił mi wzięcia drukarki do naprawy. Przyznaję, ż…e początkowo nie miałam paragonu, ale przecież… na opakowaniu był znak Państwa firmy. Po kilkunastu minutach, mimo znalezienia przez ze mnie paragonu sprzedawca nadal mi nie chciał pomóc, a na dodatek zostałam przez niego wyzwana. Nie chcę zamiany drukarki na inną, ponieważ… ta miała dodatkową funkcję, której inne w pańskim sklepie nie mają. Jeż…eli nie chcą mi Państwo pomóc to chcę zwrotu pieniędzy za drukarkę. Mam nadzieję ż…e podejmie pan odpowiednie kroki.
Z poważ…aniem

Dear Sir/Madam
With unpleasantness notisy, that in yours shop working irresponsible peoples. My complaint justify the that 20th July I bought in yours shop computer with printer. and scanner. Before purchase carefully looking all packing and all was in the best order. Unfortunately, after unpack box in house transpire, that printer won't operate. My astonishment was immense, because in shop all was checked. Next day I decide come and Exchange printer on the new. I come to the shop assistant and I describe him current situation. He also was surprised, but refused me have it serviced. I admit, that initially I didn't have a recept, but yet on the pack printer was sign yours shop. After few minutes, despite I found a recept shop assistant still won't help me, and in addition stayed by him hurl insults. I didn't want replacement printer on Rother, because this was have additional function, which other in yours shop dont' have. It you won't help me (to) I want a refund money in printer. I have hope that take Mr appropriate steps.
Yours faithfully

Byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mi to sprawdził. Z góry dzięki
Posty: 3
Rejestracja: 01 kwie 2009, 20:16

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie

Postautor: Gość » 02 kwie 2009, 17:48

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing due to the fact that I am afraid that in your shop irresponsible people work. My complaint is justified by the situation which happened on 20th July. I bought then a computer with a printer and also a scanner in your shop. Before purchasing it I carefully examined the package and everything was in the best order. To my astonishment, after unpacking the computer at home, I saw that the printer wouldn't operate. I was really dissapointed, because I thought that everything will be all right. Next day I decided to go and exchange the printer for a new one. I came to the shop assistant and I described him the current situation. He also was surprised, but refused me to have the printer serviced. I admited, that initially I didn't have a recept, but on the package of the printer was a sign of your employee. After a few minutes, despite I found the recept, shop assistant still won't help me, and furthermore - he offended me with some unacceptable words. I didn't want to replace this printer by Rother, because this which I bought has additional functions and that's why I have chosen this printer and no other.
According to this whole situation, I want a refund for this printer. I hope that you will take appropriate steps.
Yours faithfully,

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie

Postautor: vlord » 06 cze 2022, 11:45

The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken
Posty: 27945
Rejestracja: 08 kwie 2022, 5:32

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