sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Ty odrabiasz, my sprawdzamy.

sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Postautor: gonia.gonia.gonia » 10 lis 2009, 23:27

Musiałam napisać odpowiedź na list kogoś w którym udzielam rady co ma zrobić ż…eby znaleźć przyjaciół.

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear from your letter of you're worried because you have not friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned shall turn out for the best.
Why don't you go to the disco. When you enjoy yourself you can find new friends easily. The best thing to do is can give a party in your house and invite your neighbour. You never know whether that next door man isn't as lonely as you are. You bet that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but belive me it will work! I wish you good luck! Please write and give us all the news.

Your sincerely / Take care


Re: sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Postautor: eveline01 » 17 lis 2009, 19:44

gonia.gonia.gonia pisze:Musiałam napisać odpowiedź na list kogoś w którym udzielam rady co ma zrobić ż…eby znaleźć przyjaciół.

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear from your letter of you're worried because you have not friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned shall turn out for the best.
Why don't you go to the disco. When you enjoy yourself you can find new friends easily. The best thing to do is can give a party in your house and invite your neighbour. You never know whether that next door man isn't as lonely as you are. You bet that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but belive me it will work! I wish you good luck! Please write and give us all the news.

Your sincerely / Take care


Zdecydowanie pomieszane są tutaj style: raz piszesz w stylu formalnym, później natomiast już… troszkę nieformalnym. Make up your mind :-)
Posty: 34
Rejestracja: 20 lut 2007, 0:00

Re: sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Postautor: Gość » 18 lis 2009, 8:17

gonia.gonia.gonia pisze:Musiałam napisać odpowiedź na list kogoś w którym udzielam rady co ma zrobić ż…eby znaleźć przyjaciół.

Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear from your letter of you're worried because you have not friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned shall turn out for the best.
Why don't you go to the disco. When you enjoy yourself you can find new friends easily. The best thing to do is can give a party in your house and invite your neighbour. You never know whether that next door man isn't as lonely as you are. You bet that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but belive me it will work! I wish you good luck! Please write and give us all the news.

Your sincerely / Take care


Hmm, szczerze mówiąc wygląda to momentami troche jak bys napisała list po polsku w jakimś translatorze i wdusila OK. :)

"from your letter" - to bym wyrzucil,
that - zamiast of,
dal bym - because you dont have ( albo - because of not having)
will - zamiast shall.

aha i odradzam uzywanie skrotow typu you're w polskich szkolach :)

Why wont - zamiast why don't

You can find new friends easily while enjoying yourself- bylo by lepsze (aczkolwiek ten zwrot troszke mi tutaj nie pasuje)

hmmm, :D

the best thing to do is can give a party - to jest bardzo niepoprawne
in your house and invite your neighbours - tez mi tutaj cos nie pasuje :)
plus chcemy utrzymac ten list w formie nieformalnej dlatego mozna wrzucic jakis taki nieformalny zwrot jak

throw a party / at your place
the best thing you could do is to throw a party at your place and invite neighbours

that next door man isn't (nope!) - that man next door
is zamiast isn't (polecam uzywac "is not" zamiast isn't w pracach)

I bet - zamiast you bet. ale lepiej uzyc I am sure
ones that suit you - mi sie nie podoba, ale zostawmy

your sincerely - troche bardziej formalnie niz take care.

a wiec ja bym napisal mniej wiecej tak :)
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear that you are worried because you dont have any friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned will turn out for the best.

Why wont you go to the disco? You can find new friends easily while enjoying yourself. The best thing you could do is to throw a party at your place and invite neighbours. You never know whether that man next door is as lonely as you are. I am sure that among all these people you will find the ones that suit you.

I know it is hard to do at first, but believe me it will work! I wish you the best of luck! Please write and pass us all the news.

Take care

PS: nie jestem nauczycielem, ani posiadaczem zadnego papierka na jezyk angielski, wiec tez moge nie byc 100% bezbledny :)
mam nadzieje ze troche pomoglem :) pozdrawiam

Re: sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Postautor: johnywag » 18 lis 2009, 8:21

aha i w wypadku pytan dodam ze to ja bylem :) moj pierwszy post :P
Jan :>
Posty: 15
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2009, 7:32

Re: sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!

Postautor: vlord » 06 cze 2022, 17:01

The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken
Posty: 27945
Rejestracja: 08 kwie 2022, 5:32

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