Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. Nic należ y dopisywać zaimków ani rzeczowników.
a/ Over 98 per cent of the films we [sell and develop] ___________ _ are colour. Actually, we [think] _____ ______ of withdrawing the black and white films from our shops.
b/ When questioned by police Mr Pox [deny] ____ either [touch] ______ the dial
himself or [see] ____ any of his colleagues [do] ___ __ it.
c/ If the flights [number + not] __________ it [be] __.______ more difficult, if not impossible, [use] __________ the limetable at a big airport.
d/ Our membership [fali] ____ dramatically in the wake of the Lotti affair. And it
[shrink] ________ at the rate of 10 per cent a year ever since.
c/For the rest of the day the foreman [split]_________ us into groups. First we [saw]______branches off the tree trunks and then [pile]___them into bonfires.
F/ If everybody wishes that our schools [overburden + not] _ _ _ __ the pupils with needless work, wliy [nothmg + do] ___ to change it.
g/ The minister called the affair 'a local fiasco', thus [try] ____ to minimize the harm [do] ______ to our security. But I [be] _________ in the services long enough to realize how bad it [be] ________ .
h/ [expect + not] ________ your complaint to [consider] ________ before our expert [examine] _________ the instrument. lt'll take some time , I’m afraid.