I heard , that you decided to get slim. I decided , that I will write in this matter to you and I will divide with you with checked my mum's method.
Method this ,then 1200 kcl. She depends on this , that you have to make me the schedule of products and to write loam they have in 100 grams calorie , and to apply her in life then. Tzn. to eat 1200 kcl daily.
You have near this to remember, that you should eat clean soups – not browned
And not trained with cream as well as boiled meat the best : thin beef or crumble. You from fruit can eat in every quantity of apple and grapefruits in every quantity. You should have drunk since 1,5 a lot of water to 2 litres daily.
Be careful on day alimentary rights , because bar MARS this 300 kcl , więć when you eat such three this you have the already whole portion of day board.
It during this method was applying ok. was has lost weight 4 kg on month. I have hope , that I helped You and I wish successful therapy