Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie pracy/poprawienie błędów.
Twój kolega planuje wyjazd do miasta w Anglii, w którym mieszkałeś w ubiegłym roku w ramach programu wymiany międzyszkolnej. Rodzina, która Cię wtedy gościła, zgodziła się zaprosić do siebie twojego kolegę, chociaż nigdy wcześniej go nie widziała. Napisz email (co najmniej 100 słów) do ich nastoletniego syna, w którym:
- opiszesz wygląd swojego kolegi
- podasz cechy jego osobowości
- wspomnisz o jego zainteresowaniach
- podziękujesz gospodarzom za zaproszenie do siebie twojego kolegi.
Dear Tom,
I'm sorry, I havent't written for a long time but I was very busy. I have a lot of learning so I haven't time for anything. I promise that I write to you more often. But how are you doing ? Do you like new school?
I write to describe you my friend who come to London and he stay in your home.
His name's Marek. He's our age but he looks like mid twenties. He's tall. Marek has got dark, straight hair and brown eyes. He's well-built and he usually dresses casually. He looks like you!
Marek is very outgoing person. He's imaginative and he has great sense of humour. He also caring and brave. He's into music and sport - he loves playing football.
I'm very happy that your parents have agreed to accept Marek. I'm sure that you have a great time with him.
I was sad when I hear that I don't come with him. I miss you and I hope that we can see each other on holiday.
See you soon
i jak ?