Będe wdzięczny osobie która bedzie w stanie mi to przetłumaczyć:
"Terms uf Use - Upload
The "uploaded file" is also referred to in this text as a Photocase File.
The uploader hereby asserts that he/she holds the copyright of the uploaded photo and he/she has the right to publish the Photocase File on the Photocase system.
Only the uploader is responsible for the uploaded Photocase File.
When a user uploads their file to photocase, he/she in so doing provides his/her Photocase File to all Photocase users in agreement with the Photocase Terms of Download.
Terms of Use - Download
The Photocase file may be used for commmercial and noncommercial self-contained original work.
(Self-contained original work is defined as any digital, print or web-based work.)
Photo catalogs, photo databases, image banks, or any similar system that acts as a repository of images with the intent that they be redistributed or made available to the public, or any variation or combination of the aforementioned activities are not considered self-contained orginial work.
If you use a Photocase File you must cite Photocase as the source of the photo on the copyright information of the work.
If you use a Photocase File you must first contact the uploader of that file to affirm all copyright related information.
Inappropriate Use:
Photocase Files must not be used in a manner that is deemed to be "inappropriate". "Inappropriate use" can be defined as--but is not limited to--using the File for pornography, defamation, racism or sexism. The final decision about whether particular use of a Photocase File constitutes Inappropriate use is at the discretion of the Webmasters of Photocase. If use is deemed inappropriate, the Webmasters at Photocase reserve the right to prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.
Terms of Use - General
Every photographer is encouraged to supply a short bio, as well as any link to a website or sample work, including a self-portrait photo.
Photocase is not responsible for any damages that may result from use of another user's posting or
your own personal posting.
Photocase cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred by the the content of any third party site and does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to any link or content on linked sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising therefrom.
Photocase cannot be held responsible if the Photocase Terms of Use are breached."
prosze o wyslanie tlumaczenia na corp.revolt@gmail.com.