przechodzę ż
mudną drogę aplikacji na studia w usa i muszę odp na pytanie co chcę robić po zakończeniu studiów. Czy ktoś byłby tak uprzejmy i rzucił fachowym okiem na moje wypociny - szczególnie z 1 zdaniem mam jakiś problem. Z góry dzięki.
My experience as a training specialist in "nazwaFirmy" gave me a feeling of fulfillment, reinforced by positive feedback after my lectures and workshops. From the other hand performing research in National Research Institute in Poland allowed me to expand my knowledge, skills and ultimately to achieve my scientific ambitions. In final analysis in future it would be the best for me to conflate these two activities. Hence after graduation I would like to teach and perform research simultaneously. As my scientific interests are closely connected to investigation human communication mechanisms, processes and disorders I would be delighted to pursue my academic career in the filed of Hearing Science.