Tłumaczyłam tekst polskiego artykuły na ang. i proszę o sprawdzenie:
Wanting to study English, many people in Poland are to choose between studies at university and in a teacher training college. In these both institutions they can achieve theoretical and practical knowledge, however, there are many things, which distinguish university from college, e.g. lenght of studies or subjects.
First of all, there is diference in lenght of studies. A university provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. The program of studies is divided into two parts. A student has an opportunity to get a licencjat title after at least three years of study (the equivalent of Bachelor's degree) and a magister title as the result of successfully completing a program of five years of study (the equivalent of Master's degree). Students attending a college can get only a college certificate, however, they have an opportunity to get both a licencjat title and a magister title after addidtional studies at university.
What is more, the program of studies at university is different from the program in college. Students at university learn a lot of theoretical subjects such as literature, history, geography, linguistic, descriptive grammar, phonetic. Although in college students are being tought the same subjects, they learn also methodology, psychology, have practics in schools or kindergartens. Beacuse of these subjects students are able to become teachers after three years of studies. They learn about methods of teaching and are familiar with educational problems. Wanting to be teachers after studies at university, students have to take an additional course during their studying. However, in many cases headmasters give placements to college gratudates, because they are already prepared to this profession.
There are also many similiarities between university and collage to see. Both institutions guarantee achieving the high level of English language. Classes and lectures are led most time in English in order to familiarize students with language. Thank to teachers who are native speakers students have a great opportunity to learn not only theory from books but also ask questions. Both college and univeristy organize often student exchange what is always a good experience for students.
Choosing between university and college all students schould decide what is more interesting for them - practical learning of language or deepening knowledge about culture, literaure and history. Both institutions try to help people to develop their skills and give opportunity to get a job in the future as e.g. teachers or translatores.