Mam ogromną prośbę o sprawdzenie tłumaczenia - zadaniem jest napisanie listu z prośbą o autograf, minęło już
parę lat od skończenia mojej przygody z nauką języka angielskiego ...
Z góry dziękuję za poświęcony czas
I appreciate You taking the time to read my letter, I hope it finds You well. I live in Poland my name is Agnieszka and I am 25 years old student. I wanted to say what a big fan of your work I am.
Most of all I want to say is thank You for create so many remarkable roles. You always give your characters such great tenderness and authenticity. I love your early movies, and I have to admit that the ‘Schindler's List ’ and ‘Darkman’ are my favourite movies and I am still under great impression of them.
I enclosed a picture that i draw, I hope You like it, and I was wonderring if I could recive Your autograph. Perhaps You could spare a few moments to sign it. If you could personalize it to me, it would really mean a lot. I would understand if You can not honor the autograph request, it is understandable with Your busy schedule.
I hope you enjoyed receving this letter as much as I have enjoyed watching Your movies. Once more time - thank You.