druga to mam na jutro napisać recenzję z filmu "Harry Potter and prisoner of Azkaban" i niezabardzo mi to wychodzi, więc proszę napiszcie jak mam to napisać,albo przynajmniej pomóż
cie mi poprawić błędy w tym, co już
„Harry Porter and prisoner of Askaban „is the third film in the series about adwentures the young wizard Harry. The film is based on great book Joanne Kathleen Rowling. In the first two movies parts director was Chris Columbus, but this time it’s meksican Alfonso Cuaron.It lasts 142 minutes.It’s film fantasy the for viewers in every age witch imagination!
After the holiday witch mrs Dursley Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) witch his friends Ron Weasley ( Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger ( Emma Watson) start study in third year at Hogwarts School of magic and Wizardry. Convicted Sirius Black murderer (Garry Oldman), once friends witch Harry’s parents, who then betray them to Lord Voldemort has escaped from Azkaban prison. Everyone think that Black now want to find Harry and kill him. But truth is diffrent...
Also in Hogwart are new teachers. There are Dark Arts professor Remulus Lupin ( Dawid Thewlis) and fairy professor (Emma Thompson)
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