pomoc pilnie potrzebna:)

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Re: pomoc pilnie potrzebna:)

Postautor: Visitor » 20 kwie 2005, 10:58

our problem as stated has a certain artificiality and is not very well defined,since we have neglected the problems concerned with infinite arguments or values of the trigonometric functions.we proceed at once to strip it of its spurious generality.it is plain that we can suppose all the trigonometric functions to be cosines,since for example we can replace (...)and it is reasonable to interpret "zero of R" az "zero of the numerator of R" so that we can suppose R to be a polynomial.(other ,perhaps more reasonable ,interpretations of this phrase can be accomodated almost as readily -we choose this one to simplify the exposition)....;/;/;/

Re: pomoc pilnie potrzebna:)

Postautor: Visitor » 20 kwie 2005, 13:00

our problem as stated has a certain artificiality and is not very well defined,since we have neglected the problems concerned with infinite arguments or values of the trigonometric functions.we proceed at once to strip it of its spurious generality.it is plain that we can suppose all the trigonometric functions to be cosines,since for example we can replace (...)and it is reasonable to interpret "zero of R" az "zero of the numerator of R" so that we can suppose R to be a polynomial.(other ,perhaps more reasonable ,interpretations of this phrase can be accomodated almost as readily -we choose this one to simplify the exposition)....;/;/;/

Nasz problem jako wyrazenie cechuje pewna sztucznosc i nie jest on dobrze zdefiniowany, jako ze pominelismy (zlekcewazylismy) problemy (kwestie) zwiazane z nieskonczonymi zmiennymi niezaleznymi (argumentami) czy wartosciami funkcji trygonometrycznych. Przeszlismy od razu do usuniecia rzekomego (falszywego) ogolnika.Jest oczywiste ze mozemy zakladac ze wszystkie funkcje trygonometryczne sa cosinusami, poniewaz mozemy na przyklad zastapic (...) i uzasadnone jest zinterpretowac "zero w R" .... "zero licznikiem ulamka R" wiec mozemy zalozyc ze R jest wielomianem.
(Inne, uzasadnione interpretacje tego wyrazenia moga byc przyjete niemalze tak latwo jak wybralismy te jedna [interpretacje] by uproscic wyklad)

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