ClickTrivia 1


Which of these chemical elements is represented by symbol Pb:
a) iron
b) copper
c) lead
d) zinc

Something extra...
Here are three common chemical elements and their symbols (symbols are the same in Polish and English):

hydrogen = wodor = H
potassium = potas = K
mercury = rtec = Hg

You can find more of them on

The mail delivery system using horses that was in place in America between 1860-61 was called:
a) Horses Galore
b) Shetland Deliverers
c) Long Tail Riders
d) Pony Express


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This system included 157 stations between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento, California. Riders changed horses every 10 - 15 miles. The whole trip took about 10 days. At first, the system worked very well and was an important link between Mid-West and West regions of America, but later, due to the completion of the telegraph system, it became a financial failure and ceased to exist.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

Yellowstone National Park extends into three states. Which ones?
a) California, Oregon, Nevada
b) Utah, Arizona, Colorado
c) Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
d) New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma

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Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in United States and in the world. It was established by the US Congress in 1872. It covers 8,983 square kilometers. It has some unusual geologic features: fossil forests, lava flows, hot springs and geysers. The most famous geyser is Old Faithful which erupts every 33 - 93 minutes. Look at the pictures and find out more here.

New York City consists of five boroughs. Which one is the largest?
a) Bronx
b) Brooklyn
c) Manhattan
d) Queens
e) Staten Island

borough - okreg administracyjny


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Bronx is the only mainland borough and it's connected to Manhattan by bridges and tunnels. It used to be owned by Indians and called Keskesbeck, but they decided to sell it to the Dutch in 1639. Brooklyn is of course known for the Brooklyn Bridge which was designed by John A. Roebling. The designer was eventually killed during one of the 27 fatal accidents that happened during the construction. When it finally opened it was 486 meters long and within 24 hours about 250,000 people crossed over it.

Australian English is full of colorful and funny sayings. What do you think this one means:
"molly dook"
a) boss
b) younger brother
c) stingy person
d) left handed person

Something extra...
Once you master English at the level that allows you to communicate with native speakers in an effective way, it is time to start discovering differences between the types of English spoken in various countries. A few years ago, when we were still living in Poznan we had guests from New Zealand who stayed with us for almost a month. What wonderful people they were! And the way they talked and pronounced words was just great! Similarly, Australians, are fun loving, friendly people, whose English is unique, interesting and often very entertaining. It's fun to explore Aussie slang and find out how they communicate Down Under. If you're interested in Australian slang, visit here.

President Calvin Coolidge was the most laconic of all the US Presidents and is often referred to as:
a) "Silent Cal"
b) "Hush Prez"
c) "Cool Silence"
d) "Not-a-word Cal"

Something extra...

On Monday, Feb. 16, Americans observed "President's Day". You can read about the history of this holiday here. If you are interested in other past Presidents, you can visit the White House web page and browse through a lot of interesting fact sheets.
As far as Coolidge and his legendary frugality with words (oszczednosc w slowach), there are numerous stories of which one goes like this:
During one dinner party, President Coolidge was seated next to a young lady. She told him that she had bet that she could get at least three words of conversation from him. Without even looking at her, he said: "You lose".

This famous American boxer was born in Rocky Mount, North Carolina
a) Mike Tyson
b) Sugar Ray Leonard
c) Evander Holyfield
d) Larry Holmes

Something extra...
Boxing has been an Olympic sport since 1904. Today there are 17 primary weight classes in professional boxing: strawweight (to 48 kg);junior flyweight, (to 49 kg); flyweight, (to 51 kg); junior bantamweight,(to 52 kg); bantamweight, (to 53.5 kg); junior featherweight, (to 55 kg); featherweight, (to 57 kg); junior lightweight, (to 59 kg); lightweight, (to 61 kg); junior welterweight, (to 63.5 kg); welterweight, (to 67 kg); junior middleweight, (to 70 kg); middleweight, (to 72.5 kg); super middleweight, (to 76 kg); light heavyweight, (to 79 kg); cruiserweight, (to 88 kg); and heavyweight, over 88 kg.

Sap of what tree did North American Indians chew?
Zywice z jakiego drzewa zuli polnocnoamerykanscy Indianie?

a) spruce / swierk
b) willow / wierzba
c) pine / sosna
d) maple / klon


When was the first Super Bowl played?
a) 1886
b) 1911
c) 1952
d) 1967

Something extra...
Super Bowl to oczywiscie mecz futbolu amerykanskiego. Dla nas Polakow, przyzwyczajonych do prostoty pilki noznej, to sport dosc dziwny, a nawet zabawny. Amerykanie, ktorym towarzyszy on od dziecka w dzisiejszym dniu siedza przed telewizorami w domach, barach, miejscach pracy a nawet kosciolach, gdzie czesto organizuje sie "Super Bowl parties". W tym odbywajacym sie co rok meczu o mistrzostwo NFL (National Football League) staja na przeciw siebie mistrzowie sezonu ligi AFC (American Football Conference) oraz NFC (National Football Conference). Super Bowl zazwyczaj ma miejsce w ostatnia niedziele stycznia, na terenie neutralnym dla obu druzyn. Tegoroczny rozgrywany byl w Houston, Texas pomiedzy druzynami New England Patriots i Carolina Panthers. Dla Panter z Charlotte, Polnocna Karolina byl to pierwszy mecz mistrzowski w historii klubu i nie musza sie wstydzic. Przegrali trzema punktami (29:32), a jeszcze 4 sekundy przed koncem meczu, byl remis 29:29.

Which of the following U2 songs talks about Martin Luther King?
a) "I Still Haven't Found"
b) "Pride"
c) "MLK"
d) "Silver and Gold"

Something extra...
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta in 1929. In 1954 he was ordained a Baptist minister. In 1955 he received his doctorate from Boston University. In 1957 he formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1963 he helped organize the March on Washington during which he delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech. Thanks to the march, Civil Rights Act was created (law whose intention was to end discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin). In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. On April 4, 1968, when he was in Memphis to support the strike of sanitation workers, he was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a national holiday in the USA. It is celebrated in King's honor on the third Monday in January.
minister - pastor

'Gingivitis' is a disease. What part of the body does it affect?
a) gums
b) knees
c) toes
d) ankles

Something extra...
W jezyku medycznym daje sie zaobserwowac pewne trendy. Nazwy chorob czesto skladaja sie z lacinskich slow okreslajacych jakas czesc ciala i dodanych do nich koncowek -itis, -osis, -asis (szczegolnie jezeli chodzi o choroby zapalne) oraz innych. Oto przyklady: Gingivitis, peritonitis, ascariasis, hepatitis... Duuuuzo wiecej znajdziecie tutaj:
Jezeli chodzi o zabiegi medyczne, to wiele z nich ma koncowke -omy: appendectomy, mastectomy, etc.
Za przyklad wezmy na stol taki wyrostek robaczkowy. Po angielsku to appendix.
Zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
to wlasnie appendicitis, a jego usuniecie nazywa sie
appendectomy. Gdyby tak sie dalo z kazda choroba... Teraz juz wiecie ile wysilku umyslowego trzeba wlozyc w studia medyczne. W USA to sie oplaca caly czas o wiele bardziej niz w Polsce. Srednio lekarze zarabiaja tutaj ok. stu dolarow... na godzine. W zaleznosci od specjalnosci oraz stazu, te zarobki moga byc troche mniejsze lub wieksze.

Polish composer Karol Szymanowski had to resign his position as Director of the Warsaw Conservatory because:

a) he was gay
b) he wanted more money
c) his tuberculosis got worse
d) he was involved in a financial scandal

Something extra...
Nauczmy sie dzisiaj troche slownictwa zwiazanego z muzyka. Na poczatek granie na instrumentach. W jezyku polskim gramy NA czyms, lub W cos (jezeli mowa o sporcie). W jezyku angielskim nie: play (the) piano (a nie play on the piano), play (the) guitar, play (the) drums. Kiedy gramy ze sluchu, powiemy I play by ear, natomiast kiedy znamy nuty, obwiescimy z duma I can read music. Jezeli ktos ma dobry sluch muzyczny, powiemy he/she's got a good ear.
Kompozytorzy komponuja (compose) lub pisza muzyke (write music).
Kazdy gitarzysta musi znac jakas ilosc chwytow, czyli guitar chords, a kazda pianistka uderza w klawisze, czyli w keys. Kartki z zapisem nutowym jakiegos utworu to music sheets. Na dyrygenta powiemy conductor, a na to czym wymachuje reka baton.
Na koniec praktyczne wyrazenie ze swiata muzyki, ktore juz tutaj padlo, a ktorego mozna uzyc w wielu sytuacjach: to play by ear = improwizowac, robic cos bez wczesniejszego planowania:
- What time would you like to leave for Florida?
- It doesn't really matter, let's just play by ear. We don't have to be there until the day after tomorrow, anyway.

Phobos and Deimos are the two moons of this planet:
a) Saturn
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Neptune

Something extra...
The nine major planets which revolve around the sun are (in order of their distance from the sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter (Jowisz), Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The smallest of all of the major planets is Pluto. The largest one is Jupiter (318 times the mass of earth). Earth is the fifth largest planet of the solar system. We, the inhabitants of the earth are called 'earthlings', and sometimes we use interesting idioms that include the name of our planet:
What on earth are you doing? - co ty do licha wyprawiasz?
Tim's a very down-to-earth person - Tim jest bardzo praktyczna osoba.
Did you know that 'mercury' also means 'rtec'?

This famous American painter was born in New York City to Polish parents:
a) Barnett Newman
b) Mark Rothko
c) Robert Motherwell
d) Frank Stella

Something extra...
Ostatnio mialem okazje slyszec jak Prezydent Kwasniewski przemawial w jezyku angielskim. Szlo mu calkiem niezle, ale rzucaly sie w uszy pewne niedociagniecia fonetyczne. Jednym z nich byla wymowa koncowek -ism. Spojrzcie na te slowa zwiazane z kierunkami w sztuce nowoczesnej:
impressionism, symbolism, fauvism, cubism, futurism, expressionism, suprematism, constructivism, surrealism, minimalism... w kazdym z tych slow, koncowka -ism ma DWIE sylaby: SYM-bo-ly-zym, KJU-by-zym i tak dalej... Pan Prezydent mowil o komunizmie i powiedziel: ko-miu-nizm, a powinien byl powiedziec KA-miu-ny-zym. Mam nadzieje, ze nie narazilem sie BOR-owi. Jakby cos, wezmiecie mnie w obrone?

Gateway Arch is the landmark of which city?
a) Los Angeles
b) Saint Louis
c) Kansas City
d) Detroit

Something extra...
W kazdym miescie na swiecie jest jakies miejsce, ktore nieodlacznie sie z nim wiaze i jest jego najbardziej rozpoznawalna wizytowka. Takie miejsce to landmark. Moze nim byc budynek, pomnik, most, park... San Francisco ma swoj Golden Gate Bridge, Nowy Jork ma Empire State Building, Chicago - Sears Towers, Warszawa - Palac Kultury i Nauki. Would you like to write a short essay about the landmark in your city? It will be checked, corrected and sent back to you. If you'd like to try, send it to Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript..

Bruce Lee's father was a:
a) Chinese opera star
b) gymnastics teacher
c) Chinese politician
d) writer

Something extra...
Bruce Lee naprawde nazywal sie Lee Yuen Kam, urodzil sie w San Francisco, ale lata swego dziecinstwa spedzil w Hong Kongu. Najbardziej znany film w jakim wystapil to oczywiscie "Wejscie smoka" (1973). Film ten w oryginale nosi tytul "Enter the Dragon". Na pierwszy rzut oka nie wyglada to szczegolnie poprawnie, jednak istnieje taka forma. Uzyjemy jej szczegolnie po to, aby dodac dramaturgii naszej wypowiedzi (np. w sztuce teatralnej, monologu, opowiadaniu. etc.). Oto przyklad: "We were all sitting in silence and thinking about how to resolve this situation and then ... enter my brother Pete saying: Eureka. I've got the answer!"

A license plate that bears letters and/or numbers designated by the owner of the vehicle is called:
a) creative plate
b) custom plate
c) vanity plate
d) fun plate

Something extra...
Podobnie jak w Polsce, w USA juz od dawna mozna sobie wymyslac swoje wlasne tablice rejestracyjne (za odpowiednia cene). Na tego rodzaju tablicach (ktore roznia sie wygladem w zaleznosci od stanu) mozna zamiescic od 1. do 8. liter, znakow, badz cyfr i wykazac sie kreatywnoscia. Pomysly moga byc zwiazane z czyms osobistym (np. inicjaly wlascicieli), moga wyrazac emocjonalne podejscie wlasciciela auta do jakegos zagadnienia (np. READMORE), moga tez - co chyba zdarza sie najczesciej - przesylac jakas, najczesciej zabawna, wiadomosc do innych uzytkownikow drog. Czy potraficie rozszyfrowac o co chodzilo nastepujacym kierowcom: GR8LEGS, CMGOBYU, PAID4, IRIGHTI, 2FAST4U, CANADAEH, PRTYANML? Propozycje odpowiedzi prosze przesylac na Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. Jezeli chcecie, napiszcie tez co znalazloby sie na waszej tablicy gdyby miala ona byc zarejestrowana w USA.

Joseph Pulitzer, after whose name the Pulitzer Prize was established, was born in:
a) Germany
b) Holland
c) Hungary
d) Switzerland

Something extra...
In accordance with Mr. Pulitzer's will, the Pulitzer Prize is awarded by Columbia University for exceptional public service and achievement in American journalism, literature and music. Without doubt, it is one of the most prestigious awards any author or composer would seek to receive. Among the recipients of this award are writers well-known in Poland, like Tennessee Williams ("A Streetcar Named Desire" 1948 and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" 1955), Edith Wharton ("The Age of Innocence" 1921) John Updike, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck and Sinclair Lewis. You might find it interesting that in 1997, The Pulitzer Prize in music went to a great jazz musician Wynton Marsalis. Here's the link to the official Pulitzer site:

What was the first state college in the USA?

a) Purdue University
b) Harvard University
c) University of Ohio
d) University of Georgia

Something extra...
Let's learn two words that are connected with being a student in America. Fraternity and sorority. These are student organizations for social or scholastic activities. Fraternities are for men, while sororities are for women. These organizations often use combination of Greek letters as names. New members have to go through "initiation rites".
If you are considering studying in America, and are looking for the right college for you, visit American Universities web site.

What's a 'whodunit'?

a) building material
b) musical instrument
c) detective story
d) children's game

Something extra...
The first whodunit was written by Edgar Allan Poe and titled "The Murders in the Rue Morgue". Soon, others joined in and the stories became novels. Arthur Conan Doyle introduced the world to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and years later Agatha Christie redefined the genre with her brilliant, best selling adventures of the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. One of the best Polish mystery writers was also a very well known translator of Shakespeare, Joyce and Faulkner (it took him eleven years to translate Joyce's "Ulysses", which he considered the most important literary work of the 20th century). His name was Maciej Slomczynski and he wrote under the pseudonym Joe Alex. He died in 1998 in Krakow.
When I was a teenager I read all of his books which I found fascinating. It wasn't until years later that I realized that Joe Alex was Polish!

When people say "this car is a lemon", they mean that:

a) it's unreliable
b) it looks great
c) it's very small
d) it's yellow

Something extra...
Owoce maja czesto ciekawe zastosowanie w jezyku codziennym. Czesto spelniaja role tzw. "terms of endearment", czyli "czulych slowek". Podobnie jak Polacy lubuja sie w nazywaniu swoich ukochanych "zabkami, kotkami, kroliczkami, etc." tak Amerykanie upodobali sobie owoce oraz slodkie produkty spozywcze: honey, sweetie pie, pumpkin, pumpking pie, peach, peachy keen, sugar. Ale nie kazdy owoc musi miec odniesienia pozytywne: "You're a nut!" lub "you're a fruitcake" oznacza "odbilo ci, jestes wariatem", "to go bananas" oznacza "wariowac", a "that's one strange cookie" przetlumaczymy jako "z niego/niej jest niezly okaz, wariat". Owocnego clickandbitowania!

Who was the first Roman Catholic elected President of America?

a) Harry S. Truman
b) John F. Kennedy
c) Richard M. Nixon
d) Gerald R. Ford

Something extra...
One of the huge differences between the USA and Poland is the religious pluralism and the fact that only 25% of Americans are Roman Catholics. Pluralism helps us to be more open and tolerant of each other's beliefs. This is not always easy for people coming here from countries with predominant religions (like Poland, Spain, Mexico, etc.) Although they can easily find churches of their denominations, it usually takes them a while to open up to people who believe in a different way.

predominant religion [pri-DO-my-nent] = przewazajaca, dominujaca religia
denomination = wyznanie

James Earl Ray, who killed Martin Luther King, was sentenced to:
a) 25 years
b) 55 years
c) 99 years
d) life

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Kiedy mowa o skazywaniu kogos, uzyjemy czasownika "to sentence". Rzeczownik "sentence" oprocz "zdania", oznacza takze "wyrok". Tak wiec:
- He was sentenced to 50 years in prison.
[zostal skazany na 50 lat wiezienia]
- He got a life sentence.

[dostal dozywocie]

O kims kto odsiaduje wyrok mozemy potocznie powiedziec: he/she is doing time, a kogos kto odsiaduje wyrok dozywocia, rownie potocznie nazwiemy lifer.

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