ClickTrivia 2


The Miranda Law begins with the words:
a) You have the right to tell the truth
b) You have the right to call your mother
c) You have the right to remain silent
d) You have the right to fire your lawyer


Something extra...
This law became part of every Police officer's routine in 1966. It specifies the conduct for police during interrogations of criminal suspects. It started when Ernesto Miranda claimed that the state of Arizona made him confess to a crime without having informed him of his right to have a lawyer present, which violated his rights under 5th Amendment regarding self-incrimination.

Institute, corporation or group conducting interdisciplinary research for governmental and commercial clients is called:
a) think tank
b) gung ho
c) honky-tonk
d) club fungus


Something extra...
Jedna z bardziej znanych organizacji tego typu jest Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace (od nazwiska Herberta Hoovera, 31. prezydenta USA). Instytut ten przechowuje materialy zrodlowe na tematy spoleczno-polityczne zwiazane z pierwsza i druga wojna swiatowa. Hoover Instution uwaza, ze wolnosc gospodarcza i ograniczony wplyw rzadu to podstawy amerykanskiego stylu zycia.

In 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, a black woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give her seat on a public bus to a white man and was arrested. What happened to her in 1999?
a) she finally left the prison
b) she was awarded a medal
c) she played in a movie
d) she moved to Canada


Something extra...

Rosa Parks changed the history of American civil rights. Her arrest prompted Martin Luther King to organize the boycott of the bus system. You can read an interview with Ms Parks here.

Benny Benson designed a flag for one of the American states when he was only 13 years old. What state was that?

a) Alaska
b) Colorado
c) Iowa

d) Connecticut


Something extra...

In 1927 Benny Benson was only 13. After a visit to Washington D.C., where he was able to see the flags of the 48 states in front of the old Post Office Building, he decided to convince the American Legion in his state that they should hold a contest for children to design a state flag. He won. You can find out more about Benny here.


In the game of poker, what do you call three cards of a kind and a pair?
a) royal flush
b) straight flush
c) full house

d) big five


Something extra...
When playing any card game, you might want to remember some of these useful phrases:
X of a kind - kiedy masz X ilosc kart o tej samej wartosci (np. trzy asy)
single suit - ten sam kolor kart (np. karo)
to deal facedown - rozdawac karty tak, aby ich wartosc byla zwrocona "twarza w dol"
to deal faceup - rozdawac karty tak, aby bylo widac ich wartosc
to have a good hand - miec dobre karty w reku
suit in sequence - miec karty tego samego koloru i w kolejnosci (np. 10 - walet - dama - krol - as)
to sandbag - udawac, ze ma sie slabe karty, aby pozniej zaatakowac
Poker zostal przywieziony do USA przez francuskich osadnikow, ktorzy osiedlili sie w stanie Louisiana. Nazwa pochodzi od francuskiego poque.


The game which
allegedly proves that Kevin Bacon is the center of the movie universe is called:
a) Bacon In the Middle
b) Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
c) You're It, Kevin

d) Bacon On the Side

Something extra...
If you want to find out more about this fascinating game, go here.
Kevin Bacon was born on July 8, 1958 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Some of the big hits he starred in include:
Footloose (1984)
She's Having a Baby
A Few Good Men (1992)
The River Wild (1994)
Apollo 13 (1995)
Mystic River (2003)


If you have ERGOPHOBIA, what are you afraid of?
a) work b) shopping c) flying
d) swallowing


Something extra...
Here are some other unusual phobias: Agyrophobia - fear of crossing the streets; Caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women; Pogonophobia - fear of beards; Neophobia - fear of anything new;
Want to see more? Go here.

In 1982 John Hinckley tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan to impress the actress that he was madly in love with. Who was that actress?
a) Meryl Streep b) Raquel Welch c) Jodie Foster
d) Glenn Close

You can read more about John Hinckley trial and see the video of the assassination here.

On April 8, 2002 Alistair Weaver from UK reached a speed of 141 mph (226.91 km) while driving blindfolded (z zawiazanymi oczami).
What car was he driving?

a) Polonez Daewoo FSO b) Ferrari F50 c) Mazda RX-7
d) Audi S8

On most American interstate highways the speed limit is anywhere between 55 and 75 mph (88 - 120 km/h). The state of Montana experimented with no speed limit for a while, and recommended the speed to be "reasonable and prudent". In 1999 they decided to set the limit at 75 mph.

What advice usually follows the words:
If at first you don't succeed...
a) don't bother trying b) call your parents c) try, try again d) cry like a baby

Oto kilka zwrotow przy pomocy ktorych mozemy komus cos poradzic:
I think you should...
If I were you I would...
If it was up to me I would...
You might want to...
What if you...?

The 1st Volunteer Cavalry regiment in the Spanish-American War included cowboys, policemen, college athletes and miners and was led by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood. What was it called?

a) Cowboys and the Gang b) The Pillage People c) Rough Riders d) Toughies

- kawaleria
volunteer regiment - pulk ochotniczy
miners - gornicy

The small, Hawaiian musical instrument called ukulele was developed out of a similar Portuguese instrument which was brought to Hawaii by sailors. How many strings does a ukulele have?

a) two b) four c) six d) eight

Przed slowem ukulele uzyjemy rodzajnika "a", a nie "an", poniewaz w wymowie zaczyna sie on spolgloski. Inne przyklady takich slow to:
a university, an hour, an honest person.


American writer Pearl S. Buck, who won both the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize, was born in West Virginia, but raised in another country. What country was it?

a) Scotland b) Japan c) China d) France

Jest kilka slowek, ktorych mozemy uzyc mowiac o miejscu, w ktorym sie wychowalismy. Oto one:
I was born and raised in New Mexico...
My husband grew up in Spain...
All of her children were reared in the south of Italy...

This independent U.S. federal agency founded in 1961 was designed to promote mutual understanding between Americans and the outside world. What is its name?

a) Peace Corps b) Inter-American Foundation
c) National Endownment for the Humanities d) CIA

Are you interested in federal agencies in the US? Visit, where you can find lots of interesting facts and statistics.

The largest lake entirely within Canadian territory is:

a) Lake Superior b) Lake Huron c) Great Slave Lake d) Great Bear Lake

Here are a few good links about Canada:

The first paragraph of the US Constitution says that there are certain things the people of the United States of America want to establish, insure, provide for, promote and secure. Connect these verbs with their nouns:

establish insure

provide for promote


Would you like to see the answer? Go to

The great American novelist Francis Scott Fitzgerald, whose most famous novel is The Great Gatsby, died at the young age of 44. How did he die?

a) he was killed in an auto accident
b) he committed suicide
c) he was murdered by his mentally ill wife
d) he had a heart attack

Which American state is called the Show Me State because its people have a reputation for believing only what they see?

a) Connecticut
b) Missouri
c) Michigan
d) Nevada

Find out more interesting facts about all the states at:

The skyline of which American city is shown in the picture below:

a) Portland, Oregon
b) Charlotte, North Carolina
c) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
d) Dallas, Texas

Which of the orchestras listed below was founded by Leopold Stokowski (born Antoni Stanislaw Boleslalowicz to a Polish father and an Irish mother)?

a) Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
b) Philadelphia Orchestra
c) NBC Symphony Orchestra
d) New York City Symphony Orchestra

The organization of veterans of the United States armed forces who served in wartime is called:

a) American Legion
b) The Veterans Club
c) Warriors and Heroes
d) The Patriots

This is the first verse of an official state song. Which state's song is it?

These green hills and silver waters
are my home. They belong to me.
And to all of her sons and daughters
May they be strong and forever free.

a) New Jersey
b) Ohio
c) Texas
d) Vermont

On March 19, 1831 the first bank robbery in the United States took place. How much money was stolen from the City Bank of New York?

a) $ 1,560,000
b) $ 245,000
c) $ 80,000
d) $ 1,200

On October 14, 1912 US President Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What was unusual about that speech?

a) He was completely drunk
b) Only 54 people came to listen
c) He spoke in French
d) He spoke with a fresh wound and a bullet in his body

The famous folk duo, Simon and Garfunkel met when they were in sixth grade. Under what name did they perform from 1956 to 1960?

a) Paul and Art
b) John and James
c) Tom and Jerry
d) Bob and Pete

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