Postautor: Visitor » 08 maja 2005, 15:12
to jest fragment artykulu z Newsweek'a, dotyczący wizyty Condoleezy Rice w Europie i stosunków USA - Europa.
Cały akapit wyglada tak:
Skeptics ask whether Washington really cares. “Everybody’s making a lot more out of Condi’s visit than it really is”, says Walter Russel Mead at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “The Bush administration will approach Europe more deftly than n the past. They’re willing to make nice. But make no mistake. This is an intermission. When it comes to the substance of policy, don’t expect any big a sideshow”. Fair or not, that’s a common view in Washington. Yet there’s at least one area where America very much does care, and that’s Iraq.