I live in Elk !My town is situated on the lake. In Elk is a lots of nice places. My fovourite place is ground. The ground is very big and nice. In my area is very nice. There are nice people in my town. You can admire Elk by nigt! There is one cinema and one theatre ! the streets are very well- gromed! Elk has got some very eatiful houses and churches. Youc can visit thee statue of Johns Paol II and the Twon Hall. there is one sports centre in my town. My area is nice , clean and friendly. In town is very well fantastic pubs. You can go to the 'smetek' zadlo , bialy zagiel and stary rynek. there are beatiful forests. Elk has got one museum. Visit the PKP museum( railway station) In my town are two market. The firs market is on the street ,,targowa,, and the second market is on the street ,,suwalska,, the main swuary is near the town hall. My town is small but very nice. My town has got bookshop. go to the bookshoop. it's got interesting books. There aren't any moswue. there are lots of clothes shop andthere are some supermarket. the area near my house has got some shops. My area has ot one bank and pub ! prosze o sprawdzenie tych zdan