Wiem, ż e trochę to naciągnęłam, ale nie mogłam wymyślić nic innego, a nie chciałam pisać o Bradzie Pitcie stojącym w drzwiach ;] Pewnie narobiłam tu masę błędów i pokręciłam czasy, więc bardzo proszę o poprawienie

When I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Although, it would be better to say: ears...
There was nothing unusual in my room: bed, plants on the windowsill, birds perching in the trees behind the window... That’s it! Shouldn’t they sing? I got up and opened the window. Still silently. I take a look on my phone. 7:15! Mum should be preparing to work – so why can’t I hear nothing? The whole apartment was submerged in silence. I made up my mind to go to the kitchen. En route, I peered to mum’s room. It was empty, so I went along. When I came in the door, mum started chatting. I have seen her, but I couldn’t recognise the speech. I didn’t know what happened! I returned to my room to take a sheet. I wrote „I didn’t hear anything” on it. Thereafter I gave it to mum. When she have red my note, she was all fired up, I suppose, that she bid me stop pulling her leg. Presently, our neighbour drilled in the wall. Mum grimaced immediately, but I was still quiet. She didn’t believe me till then. We went to the hospital - but the audiologist left us no doubt about my deafness – I’ll never retrieve hearing. Me, who highly loved listening to music... Me, who couldn’t figure changing school, leaving friends... Now, I will have to. My life turned 180 degrees. It’ll be the biggest challenge in my life... But I’ll manage.