Czy ktoś mógłby mi sprawdzić, czy te listy są poprawnie napisane???
You met an English family. Mr and Mrs Harrington, in Australia last year. Ypu are planning a holiday in Britain and want some advice.
Write to Mr and Mrs Harrington and include the following points in your letter:
- remind them who you are
-say when you visit to Britain will be-
-tell them the sort of place you would like to visit
-say where you would like to stay (hotel, guest-home,etc.)
-ask about the harrington family themselves.
Good morning, how are you Mr and Mrs Harrington?! I'm ......... and I met you in Australia last year, I hope you remember me. I'll in Britain in the summer for 3 weeks....(, so I wanted write letter about it to you.
I would like to visit all city, and for example london eye and (ty wypisz jeszcze inne zabytki, nie wiem co oni tam maja w tym miescie). I would like to stay in hotel, not very expensive, if you can propose some hotel not far to you home, I'll be very happy. The best wishes from Poland !
dzien dobry panstwo harrington, jak sie macie, jestem.......i poznalam was w tamtym roku w australii. mam nadzieje ze mnie pamietacie. bede w brytanii w lato na 3 tygodnie, wiec chcialam wam napisac o tym w liscie. chialabym zwiedzic cale miasto, np. ................. . chcialabym zatrzymac sie w hotelu, niezbyt droigm, jesli mzoecie mi jakis zaproponowac nie daleko waszego domu bede bardzo szczesliwa. najlepsze posdrowienia z poland
You realize that you have forgotten to send you very good friend Gordon Chapman a birthday card and decide to write him a letter.
Include the following points in you letter.
-best wishes for his birthday
-explain why you forgot his birthday
-you hopes for him in the future
-ask for some news about him
- suggest when you might meet again.
Hi Gordon Chapman!!! In my short letter i want to sorry you very much, but I forgot about your birthday. I hope you're not angry, but in day of your birthday, my mum were in hospital, because she ?broke? her leg! I was very scary! but now is everything all right...I wanted call you, but You know ...?i was in panic ?. So the best wishes for birthday, I know, this compliments are very late, but they are frank.By the way, How are you? what's going on in your city? all right I hope. I'll be there in next month with my sister, we can visit you if you want. Bye bye !
cze gordon, w moim krotkim liscie chce cie bardzo przeprosic. ale zapomnialem o twoich urodzinach mam nadzieje ze nie jestes zly, ale w dzien twoich urodzin moja mama zlamala noge, bardzo sie balem, ale etraz jest wszystko wporzadku. chcialem do ciebie zadzwonic, ale sam wiesz, bylem w panice. wiec najlepsze zyczenia z okazji urodzin, wiem, ze te zyczenia sa bardzo spoznione, ale szczere.Poza tym, jak sie masz? co sie dzieje w twoim miescie, wszystko dorze mam nadzieje. bede tam w przyszlym miesaicu z siostra. jesli chcesz mozemy cie odwiedzic. pa pa