Hej,post zamieszczam po ang poniewaz pierwotnie napisałam go na stronie gdzie uzywa sie tylko ang, zainteresowani nie bedą miec problemu ze zrozumieniem:)
Hi, I'm a student of English Studies, I live in Knurów (near Gliwice). I'm looking for somebody who'd go to London this summer, esp in July or alternatively in August. Now I'm trying to get a job there but if I don't manage I'll go on spec and try again already there. Remember that you need at least 300pounds to have on your person to get by there without job for some time. Please, do not answer if you aren't at least intermidiate in English. If you're not sure which level you are, write to me and I'll check it
And there is another, a bit funny point - although my boyfriend has nothing against my going to Britain, i think he wouldn't be happy to know that I go there with a male stranger so, unfortunately, I look only for female comapany to not upset my dear boyfriend. I've chosen London'cause that's the only place in England where I have an English friend, so if sth goes wrong I'm sure he will help .
To contact me you can use Yahoo Messanger (mafunia2005) or gg 5929142 or use phone 693662400
All my best
Marta Slowik