napisałem rozprawkę na angielski na temat: GOOD & BAD FEATURES OF TODAYS SCHOOL. troszeczkę się nad nią pomęczyłem, lecz nie mam już
sił, aby sprawdzić te wszystkie błędy gramatyczne, których jest tutaj duż
o.. błagam kogoś o sprawdzenie błędów i jeż
eli trzeba zamienić jakieś słowo/zdanie na inne.
We found good and bad features in all areas of education. Everyone of us wonder, is there perfect school. I want to find answer for this questions in my for and against composition.
We must check our abilities. Polish educational system give this possibility. In the end of primary, high and grammar school, we have an egsams. It's very good idea, because we can chceck what we were learned and it's good way for fairly enrolment.
Next good feature is a fact, that we can feel more safe in school than previously. Now in schools, we have a lot of safety measures like bodyguard or camera. It's a big plus.
Also, the advantage of todays school is division for three dutiful stages. First is begin of study, second is revision of six years and introduce for next stage and third is preparation to studies.
Polish schools assure us, that in Poland we have a good teachers. It's not true, because a big part of students have a private lessons. This fact is a big minus.
In the school it's a subject called: physical education. In my opinion, it's not good, that PE is dutiful. A lot of students think that judge our physical abilities is a very bad thing.
Next bad feautre is a fact, that students have too many lessons. We don't have time to learn, doing homeworks and other duties.
In my opinion, the perfect school doesen't exist. My perfect school must be professional and exacting, but only when we've been in school. Then we have more free time.
Everyone has an others requirements. But who knows.. Maybe someday the perfect school come into existance?