Luckily Northumberland’s [color=red]wicked plans end with a failure, Mary Tudor ascends the throne, the play with a female on the throne starts ... Elizabeth I takes her place in the shadow of so called Bloody Mary... ( Mary cannot be the object of male’s sigh because of her weak health & appearance)[/color]
In order of appearance: Mary Tudor, Elizabeth I
1) This is my country and my people, Elizabeth!!! I can’t imagine why my father didn’t save the time for me and put your childish head on the fence!!!
2) Oh, my sweet sister your tone of voice calms me before I go to bed. Anyway too many men will admire my beauty then!!!
1) Eliza, you bastard-half-sister!!! Don’t forget to say your Catholic prayer before putting your Protestant head on the velvet pillow this time!!!
2) My beloved sister, but I pray for your health and the husband who will be blind enough to marry you!!!
1) Don’t sharpen your appetite to quickly!!! I have at least one- Philip of Spain is his name, worthy of my four-poster bed!!!
2) But Your Majesty, his blood isn’t English!!! And... is he good enough to give you an offspring no matter Catholic or Protestnat???
1) What are you saying my sister!!! My son will definitely be Catholic!!!
2) Eliza : hope not!!!
1) I will mary him for my country, not for myself!!! What is more important for me is to bring back Papal dominancy over England after my father’s mistakes!!!
2) I’d better go to bed, your and my father will soon rise up from his sarcophagus if you don’t stop your silly ideas!!!
1) Poor Eliza if you don’t stop yours, I will put you into the stinking Tower of London pretty soon!!!
That is the portrait of the two loving sisters.
APPENDICES- załączniki z wyjaśnieniami
the red paddle of - czerwona kałuż
a ...(czegoś)
wicked plans- nikczemne plany
end with a failure- kończyć się fiaskiem
ascend the throne- wstąpić na tron
in the shadow in- in cieniu ….
Bloody Mary- Krawawa Mary(przydomek Marii Tudor)
the object of male’s sigh- przedmiot męskich westchnień
weak health- słabe zdrowie
appearance- wygląd zewnętrzny
in order of appearance- kolejność ukazywania się na scenie
save the time for me- oszczędzić mi czas
childish- dziecinny
bastard- bękard
velvet pillow- aksamitna poduszka
beloved sister- ukochana siostra
blind enough- dość ślepy
sharpen your appetite- ostrzyć sobie apetyt
blood- krew
offspring- potomek
no matter- nieważ
What are you saying?- A cóż
ty powiadasz?
definitely- rzecz oczywista
papal dominancy- dominacja papieska
I’d better go- lepiej udam się na spoczynek
rise up- stanąć na równe nogi
sarcophagus- sarkofag
stinking- cuchnący
pretty soon- bardzo szybko
portrait- portret
four-poster bed- łoż
say your Catholic prayer- pomodlić się po katolicku
Your Majesty- JEJ WYSOKOść