Dear sister
Im sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time but I've been very busy. I want to tell you many interesting and important things! The most important news is that finally my friend and I, we found nice flat in Kraków. Block of flats where we live stands near the street so it's very noisy place. But on luck our school is 10minutes way from here. Now I want to write you something about this flat. The rent isn't high but every months additionaly we must pay electric and internet bills. At first day in our new flat we decided that we have to paint walls in living room. Why? Becouse old colour of walls was awful. Don't worry. Cost wasn't big. Only 100zł. Finally I must write you about room which I share with my friend. The room is huge! We have there two beds, two desks, one big case and TV. There are a lot of plants. It looks fantastic. Particularly important is that this room is very sunny I must finish this letter but you must know I will be really happy if you could come visit me in Kraków.
Kisses ! Matthew
Ciekaw jestem ile byków narobiłem... Wiem, ż
e list nie łączy się w piekny literacki sposób i niektóre momenty są jakby wyrwane, ale pisałem go w dosyć szybkim tempie... :oops:
Mam nadzieje, ż
e znajdzie się dobra duszyczka, która pomoż
e i wskaż
e mi w którym miejscu, jakie błędy zrobiłem i jak należ
y je naprawic )
TIA Matthew