dowód dla ignorantów
The Mnemosyne Project
Ways to avoid directly repeating cards
It's a wonderful program, but cards are often repeated directly after the user rates them.
It can happen in that case, but it also happens even when there is a large stack of cards to learn.
I meant that when I give a card a rating of "0" or "1", it should never be repeated as a question. I know that rating a card 2 or 5 will postpone the review for at least a day. Perhaps there could be some sort of modification of the algorithm so that a card rated "0" or "1" could never be put next in line for questioning. It might not happen all the time, but it often happens during review.
I'd just like to second this request and ask that the priority be bumped up. When learning new cards, it's really irritating to get the same card two-three times in a row -- this usually results in me hitting 2 to get rid of it, even though I probably haven't actually memorized it properly. Getting an immediate repeat on 0 I can still understand, but repetition after 1 ("Show it less often") is not IMHO acceptable.
I have to report the same issue. I have more than 300 cards in my 0-stack. I get to see a card that I don't want to see (e.g. because I'm just learning the reverse of the card, so I'd rather leave the card for another day), so I rate it 0, but it comes back again and again -- much more often than the 1:300 chance of drawing the same card at random would suggest. ... repetition