Postautor: Richard Whipple » 11 sty 2008, 17:00
As advertised in SUKCES Magazine (01/08), discussed with Lukasz Suda on RADIOSTACJA, profiled in WIEDZA i ZYCIE and soon to be reported in CHARAKTERY Magazine, this is the ONLY conversation lesson in POLAND to practice your English Speaking in a fun, relaxed, natural and spontaneous method - exactly how you will use English as a fluent speaker.
Benefits Unique To This Conversation Method:
1 Ä Students access a wide array of knowledge as an English native speaker with experience spanning 3 DECADES leads the RPG practice. The Native brings an advanced understanding of the language being practiced and his RPGs can be minor case studies using Legal and Business English due to the depth of his business experience in his native country Canada.
2 Ä The RPG method creates an environment for spontaneous, unrehearsed, real-time English conversational thinking.Ă´ Nonlinear practice fosters development in hidden vocabulary areas, emphasizing the practice of descriptive, narrative and expositive English, often overlooked by the typical lessons.
3 Ä The dual-step approachĂ´ promotes participantsĂ language recall at 70% through visualization and conceptualization, both in passive and active memory retention.
4 Ä Social interaction between participants in English raises the ratio of student to instructor speaking time to 8:2. This maximizes practice time and is excellent value for the money spent.
5 Ä New vocabulary is not an abstract idea. Introduced in concrete situations and reinforced through frequent use a persona, as participants are immersed in the new language contextual vocabulary.
6 Ä Participants maintain the English thought process throughout the game as well as when recalling the game outside of practice because the value of the language is critical to creating the game. The language is dynamic and intellectually engaging, unlike a static dictionary-like experience.
7 Ä Collaborative Storytelling promotes conversation as an enjoyable learning holiday outside of the work-a-day stress, which is a relaxing recreation for some and relaxes shy people to fully enjoy participation.
Request the PDF brochure for more detailed information including price. THE INFORMATION IS FREE.
*********** THE NEXT SESSION IS: General English: FEBRUARY - MAY
*********** SEATING IS LIMITED.*******************
Stop Being Shy! Give It A Try!
+48 606 794 553