Crackdown on World Cup hooligans unveiled

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
England football fans displaying the Nazi salute at this summer's World Cup in Germany should expect to be prosecuted, the home secretary warned this afternoon as he unveiled a wide-ranging crackdown on football hooliganism.
Around 100,000 England fans are expected to travel to the tournament, which starts in June, and Charles Clarke has warned fans not to use the gesture, which is illegal under German law.
"It's not a joke, it is not a comic thing to do. Anyone who thinks it's entertaining to get involved in this sort of thing, I absolutely urge them not to do so," he said.
The German authorities are also considering arrest for fans who perform the theme from Dambusters - a popular football song taken from a second world war film of the same name - the senior policeman in charge of British policing of the World Cup, Assistant Chief Constable Stephen Thomas said.
Mr Clarke announced that 44 uniformed British police officers will be deployed around Germany as part of a total presence of 79 officers, who will work in close cooperation with the Germany's federal and state police.
A small number of German officers will also be deployed at British ports and airports, and four British prosecutors will work with the British and German police and prosecutors to collect evidence that can be used in English courts.
The Home Office said the package of measures was the most comprehensive ever put in place to help prevent significant football disorder. More than 3,000 known troublemakers subject to banning orders will also be blocked from travelling to Germany this June.
"The measures, which worked extremely well at the World Cup in Japan in 2002 and more recently at Euro 2004 in Portugal, have been expanded, refined and adapted for the World Cup 2006," Mr Clarke said.
"Above all, self-policing is the best policing. It is up to the fans to show that the spectre of English hooliganism has been removed once and for all. We continue to work closely with the police, prosecutors, football authorities and fans' associations in support of fan-led initiatives."
The culture secretary, Tessa Jowell added: "The close cooperation with the German authorities means we now have in place a comprehensive strategy to prevent the kind of scenes that have dragged the good name of England fans through the mud in the past."
Liberal Democrat spokesman Don Foster welcomed the measures, and also called for fans to be issued with clear warnings about buying black market tickets that could result in rival fans mixing in the stands and sparking violence.
"Only one in 20 fans travelling to Germany is likely to have tickets through official channels for each England game," he said. "Touts selling fans tickets in their rivals' stands pose a serious security threat."
ban- zakazywać
comprehensive- kompletny, wszechstronny
consider- rozważać, brać pod uwagę
crackdown- rygory, obostrzenia, sankcje
deploy- rozmieszczać, rozlokowywać
display- okazywać, pokazywać, manifestowac
drag- wlec, ciągnąć
evidence- dowody
expand- rozwijać, rozszerzać
issue- zaopatrywać, wyposażać; publikować
measures- środki (zapobiegawcze, zaradcze)
package- zestaw
pose- stanowić
prosecute- ścigać sądownie
refine- udoskonalać
salute- pozdrowienie, salut
spark- wszczynać, inicjować
spectre- widmo, zjawa
spokesman- rzecznik
(be) subject to- podlegać (czemuś)
tout- konik
troublemaker- sprawca kłopotów
unveil- odsłaniać, wyjawiać
urge- zalecać, zachęcać
wide-ranging - o szerokim zasięgu/zakresie