Achmed the Dead Terrorist

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1. When Achmed realizes that he is not scary, he... ?
a) is surprised
b) becomes disenchanted
c) does not give a hoot about it

2. What is so funny about him spelling his name ?
a) he does it in a hilarious way
b) his name is weird
c) he cannot spell his name

3. Achmed explains his appearance and the fact that he is not dead by saying that... ?
a) he is just lighty wounded
b) he will kill everybody
c) he feels fine

4. Why is Achmed afraid of putting him into the suitase ?
a) because he does not like Walter
b) because Walter is scary like Saddam
c) because Walter's winds are deadly

5. Was Achmed vaccinated ?
a) yes
b) no
c) it is not mentioned

6. What do the catholic priests have to do with Michael Jackson ?
a) it is all about fighting
b) it is a gay thing
c) it is all about money

7. What about the suicide bomber training camp ? ?
a) it was blown up
b) it still trains new bombers
c) it is a nice facility

8. How do they recruit new bombers ?
a) secretly
b) by phone
c) he does not mention it

9. When Achmed talks about how horrible he is as a suicide bomber, he says to the comedian "you know what's that like, right?", what is so funny about it ?
a) the comedian is horrible
b) the comedian is a suicide bomber too
c) the comedian is a horrible lover

10. What is Achmed's nationality ?
a) he is Muslim
b) he is Chinese
c) he does not have nationality

Pokaż odpowiedzi (Click)

suicide bomber - pilot samobójca
flesh wound - powierzchowna rana
dead terrorist - martwy terrorysta
infidel - niewierny
spell - przeliterować, zapisywać
gasoline (AmE) - benzyna
car parts - części samochodu
kill - zabić
speciality - specjalizacja
bone - kość
silence - cisza
feet - stopy (foot - stopa)
touch - dotyk, dotykać
ligament - wiązadło
arse (BrE) / ass (AmE) - tyłek
fart - pierdzieć
suitcase - walizka
flu shot - szczepionka przeciw grypie
virgin - dziewica
paradise - raj
joke - dowcip, kawał
security - zabezpieczenia, bezpieczeństwo
airport - lotnisko
Jew - Żyd
racist - rasista, rasistowski
priest - ksiądz
penny - pens
fight - walczyć
winner - zwycięzca
training - szkolenie
facility - obiekt
recruit - rekrut, nowy członek, rekrutować, werbować
timer - zegar, minutnik, urządzenie zegarowe
premature - przedwczesny
cell phone (AmE) - telefon komórkowy
die - umierać
light - światło
turn - skręcać
highway - autostrada (AmE), szosa (BrE)
stinky - śmierdzący

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