Strategy 1 - Paper 1 Part 1
This lesson is devoted to some exam strategies that might be used when attempting to successfully accomplish the multiple matching task in the Reading Paper of the First Certificate Exam.
In Reading Part 1 you match summary sentences or headings to paragraphs in a text. Analyse the following steps for doing this kind of task. Try to implement them while doing the exam question:
1. Study the instructions, title and any pictures to form a first impression of what you are going to read.
2. Next, read the list of summaries to get an idea of the main points. Write the example heading at the top of paragraph 0.
3. Quickly read the whole text, including this example paragraph, to get the general idea. Don't worry too much about any difficult words or phrases.
4. After you have read the text for the first time, look at the list of summaries again and cross out the example so you don't spend any more time on it. If you think you can match some of the summaries to paragraphs, write the letter for each on the question paper.
5. Each time you choose a summary, cross it off the list (lightly, in case you change your mind later and need to use it again).
6. Go back to the beginning and look at the paragraphs you have not done, choosing from the remaining summaries. If you are not sure of any, leave a blank or put a question mark.
7. When you have gone through all the paragraphs like this, have a last look at any you still haven't done. These might now be easier as there should be fewer summaries left.
8. If you really can't decide, guess and move on quickly to Part 2 of the test.
Apart from these instructions it is also worth remembering a few additional guidelines:
1. Many of the texts in the First certificate exam come from magazines and newspapers rather than books. It is a good idea to read as widely as you can in preparation for exam.
2. For every reading task, read the whole text through quickly to get the general idea of what it is about before looking at the questions.
3. Don’t worry about words you do not know in the text, as you should still be able to complete the task.
Before you do the exam task, analyse some of vocabulary used in the text:
Wyjaśnienia słów:
to set out - wyruszyć
Tomorrow at 6 o'clock we set out on a journey around Poland.
to admit - przyznawać
John immediately admitted that he had stolen the money.
to result in - kończyć się (czymś)
A car accident often results in serious injuries.
to track down - tropić
Detectives' job is to track down criminals.
astonished by - mocno zadziwiony (czymś)
Eldery pepole are often astonished by the behaviour of the young.
to wonder - zastanawiać się
I often wonder whether love exists.
to assemble - zebrać, zgromadzić
Crowds of people assembled in the church.
cabbage - kapusta
episode of a soap opera - odcinek opery mydlanej
to tell off - zwymyślać
Once I lost my patience and told off the waitress when she spilt the soup.
to show off - popisywać się
Boys often can't resist showing off at the pitch in front of girls.
uncooperative (adj.) - niewspółpracujący
to flood - zalać
Due to the storm many streets were flooded.