Titanic (2)

I had hoped you would come to me last night.
I was tired.
Yes. Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting.
I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me.
You will never behave like that again! Do you understand?
I'm not some foreman in your mills then you can command! I am your fiancée
Yes! You are! And my wife... in practice, if not yet by law. So you will honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband! I will not be made out a fool! Is this in any way unclear?
We... had a little accident. I'm sorry, Trudy.
You are not to see that boy again, do you understand me Rose? I forbid it!
Oh, stop it, Mother. You'll give yourself a nosebleed.
Rose, this is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know the money's gone!
Of course I know it's gone. You remind me every day!

Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name. And that name is the only card we have to play.
I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Hockley, and it will insure our survival.
How can you put this on my shoulders?
Do you want to se me working as a seamstress? Is that what you want? Do you want to see our fine things sold at an auction, our memories scattered to the winds? My God, Rose, how can you be so selfish?
It's so unfair.
Of course it's unfair! We're women. Our choices are never easy.


exertion - The act of exerting, or putting into motion or action; the active exercise of any power or faculty; an effort, esp. a laborious or perceptible effort; as, an exertion of strength or power; an exertion of the limbs or of the mind; it is an exertion for him to move, to-day. - wysiłek, wytężenie, staranie

exhausting - wyczerpujący (męczący)

fiancée - narzeczona

fine match - A good candidate for matrimony; one to be gained in marriage - dobry kandydat na męża, dobra partia
to make a match - żenić (się), wychodzić za mąż, matchmaker - swat(ka)

to forbid sth - zabraniać

foreman - brygadzista, majster,

I will not be made out a fool - Nikt nie będzie robił ze mnie głupca

to insure - zapewniać, ubezpieczać

Is this in any way unclear? - Czy to pozostawia jakiekolwiek wątpliwości? Czy wyraziłem się jasno?

legacy - spadek, legat, spuścizna, dziedzictwo

manservant - służący

mill - młyn, zakład przemysłowy

nosebleed - krwotok z nosa

precarious - niebezpieczny, zagrażający, niepewny, ryzykowny

to require - wymagać, zażyczyć

scattered to the winds - rozrzucone na wietrze, czyli zmarnowane, zniszczone

seamstress - szwaczka

selfish - samolubny

survival - przetrwanie, przeżycie

that name is the only card we have to play - Nazwisko jest jedyną kartą, którą możemy grać; jedynym atutem

undertaker - przedsiębiorca pogrzebowy, lecz także przedsiębiorca, zwierzchnik


So you will honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband!
I will not be made out a fool!

Warto przy okazji przypomnieć sobie, że język angielski ma słabość do strony biernej. Warto jej używać szczególnie tam, gdzie w języku polskim używamy formy bezosobowej (wymaga się od żony, aby...; Nikt nie będzie robił ze mnie głupca, itp)


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