Winnie the Pooh - review

A bright and snuggly new version of the childhood perennial stays faithful to AA Milne and to EH Shepard's drawings

  1. Winnie The Pooh
  2. Production year: 2011
  3. Country: USA
  4. Cert (UK): U
  5. Runtime: 73 mins
  6. Directors: Don Hall, Stephen J Anderson
  7. Cast: Bud Luckey, Craig Ferguson, Jack Boulter, Jim Cummings, John Cleese, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Tom Kenny, Travis Oates, Wyatt Hall
  8. More on this film

The comeback of old-style hand-drawing at Disney under the watchful eye of Pixar's John Lasseter continues with a snuggly Winnie the Pooh, touchingly faithful to Walt's original 1960s cartoons as much as AA Milne's stories. Disney's animators have upped the antics-quota fractionally, but this is as fond an amble as you'd expect. Pooh sets off with a rumble in his tummy, distracted by doomy old Eeyore who has lost his tail and, later, Christopher Robin vanishes, presumed kidnapped by the "Backson" beast. Despite Pooh sounding ever so slightly like Vivien Leigh in A Streetcar Named Desire, the utmost homage is paid to Milne, EH Shepard's drawings and the joys of storytelling – Pooh merrily trotting across animated pages from the books. A gentle, modest pleasure.

A Streetcar Named Desire: Tramwaj zwany pożądaniem

amble: spokojny spacer

antics: figle                   

Backson: Jentyk

doomy: złowieszczy

Eeyore: Kłapouchy  

fractionally: nieznacznie

homage: hołd

perennial: coś wiecznego, wieloletniego

presume: przypuszczać

quota: przydział

rumble: dudnienie

snuggly: przytulnie

trot: truchtać, biec

utmost: najwyższy, największy

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