- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana
Made in Canada and co-produced by Tim Burton, this disappointing animated feature is set in a dystopian near future. Just before his death, an eccentric, humane inventor, reminiscent of the character played by Vincent Price in Burton's Edward Scissorhands, has used various discarded materials (wire, buttons, bits of hessian) to make a series of doll-like creatures to fight back against the soulless robots that tyrannise a post-holocaust world. A combination of the cute and the cataclysmic, the film has its moments but becomes increasingly frantic and morally self-important.
cataclysmic : katastrofalny
discarded : wyrzucony, niepotrzebny
dystopian : antyutopijny
frantic : szaleńczy, gorączkowy
hessian : juta
reminiscent of : przypominający (coś, kogoś)
self-important : zadufany w sobie