All About Steve

In my innocence, I expected a sprightly gay version of All About Eve. But oh, no



In my innocence, I expected a sprightly gay version of All About Eve. But oh, no. This is a dire romcom vehicle for Sandra Bullock, a film that looks as if it's been through 1,001 test screenings, script drafts and reshoots, each unfunnier and more muddled than the last, with no one sure whether Sandra is supposed to make it with her leading man at the end, or if it's more heartwarming if they're just friends.

Bullock, with her internal quirk-o-meter cranked up to 11, plays a wacky crossword-puzzle compiler who goes on an abortive date with a news cameraman, played by Bradley Cooper (from The Hangover). He freaks out at her eccentricities and she starts stalking him in a non-creepy way, while he's on the road with prima donna TV reporter Hartman Hughes, played by Thomas Haden Church - a funny guy who can't make this duff script work. Bullock looks more waxy and strange than ever.

dire: okropny

muddled; zagmatwany, poplątany

internal: wewnętrzny

cranked up: włączony, nakręcony

wacky: nieobliczlny, stuknięty

stalk: śledzić, tropić

waxy: wodnisty, woskowy

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