The Boat That Rocked

·         Rob Mackie

·         The Guardian, Friday 4 September 2009

There's a good film to be made about pirate radio, which helped give mid-1960s pop an anti-establishment aura. Sadly, writer-director Richard Curtis turns the whole thing into a naff laddish comedy. It's particularly sad to see Philip Seymour Hoffman and Mad Men's January Jones wasted on a film that's way too long at two hours. Many "comedy" moments are dragged out well beyond any hope of mirth. At least Bill Nighy is on good form as the radio boss, a kind of rock'n'roll Leslie Phillips.

drag out: przeciągać się

laddish: rubaszny, niegrzeczny, typowy dla rubasznych facetów

mirth: radość, uciecha

naff: okropny, bez gustu

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