The Merry Gentleman

Michael Keaton makes a belated directing debut only to be apparently struck down by a niggling bout of creative constipation



Our heart goes out to Michael Keaton, who makes a belated directing debut at the age of 58, only to be apparently struck down by a niggling bout of creative constipation.

He's the pained and taciturn star of a pained and taciturn drama about a Chicago hit man who pals up with a lonesome fugitive from an abusive relationship (Kelly Macdonald). Together, one suspects, these clenched protagonists will suffer through their tense, awkward silences and eventually expel what ails them.

abusive - uwłaczający, obraźliwy

ail - dolegać

belated - spóźniony

bout - walka

clench - ściskać, zaciskać

constipation - obstrukcja

expel - wydalać, usuwać

niggling - drobny, małostkowy

pal up with - kumplować się

taciturn - małomówny

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