Anne Glenny Wilson- Travel Song

‘COME, before the summer passes
  Let us seek the mountain land:’
So they called me, happy playmates,
  And we left the dawn-lit strand:
Riding on till later sunbeams slanted        5
  On dark hills and downward-plunging streams,
And the solemn forest softly chanted
    Old, old dreams.
From the pass, we saw in glory
  Wave on purple wave unrolled        10
To the cloud-encircled summit
  Floating high, alone and cold:
Like that altar-stone, by men of Athens
  Dedicated to the unknown God;
Waiting for some fire to touch his holy        15
    White abode.
Then the mellow sunset dying
  Passed in rosy fire away,
And the stars and planets journeyed
  On their ancient unknown way.        20
Riders of the illimitable heaven!
  Moving on so far beyond our ken,
Do ye scorn the toiling, heavy-hearted
    Sons of men?
Ere we slept we heard the torrents        25
  Rushing from that mighty hill
Join in deep melodious singing,
  While the forest-land was still.
Music of forgotten wildernesses!
  Would that I could hear that song again!        30
Song of primal Earth’s enchanted sweetness,
    Joy and pain.

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