Far North


Peter Bradshaw

                 The Guardian



Asif Kapadia's Far North is an intriguing, disturbing and fiercely uncompromising tale of survival and love; it ends with a flourish of horror that would not disgrace Thomas Harris. Michelle Yeoh and Michelle Krusiec play Saiva and Anja, two women moving across a freezing wasteland, swaddled in furs. The terrain is hostile and the women are evidently in danger of assault by soldiers. Where are they, exactly? When is this supposed to be happening? It is an eerily stateless, ahistorical landscape. The two women befriend Loki (Sean Bean) and, fatefully, begin to vie for his affections. It is one of the most purely atmospheric movies of the year - and very original.


assault – atak, napaść

disgrace – kompromitować, przynosić wstyd

disturbing – niepokojący

eerily – niesamowicie, dziwnie, strasznie

fiercely – zagorzale, niezłomnie, wściekle

flourish – fanfara, ozdobnik

stateless – bezpaństwowy

swaddled – opatulony

uncompromising – bezkompromisowy

vie – rywalizować, współzawodniczyć

wasteland – ziemia jałowa

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