Lekcja 11


kurs przygotowany przez szkołę JDJ Bachalski dla portalu angielski.edu.pl

Short story: That's Incredible!

JDJ Bachalski In Britain, banks are required to accept any legible check, irrespective of the document's material content. A. P. Herbert once presented a cheque written on an egg - which had to be boiled by the bank before it could be sent through the central clearing house!

legible - czytelny
irrespective (of) - bez względu
a clearing house - izba rozrachunkowa

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JDJ Bachalski A blonde named Barbara appeared on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire..
Host: "Barbara, the next question will give you the million dollars if you get it right ... but if you get it wrong you will drop back to $32,000 -- are you ready?"
Barbara: "Sure I'll have a go."
Host: "Which of the following birds does not build it's own nest? Is it..
A-Robin B-Sparrow C-Cuckoo D-Thrush Remember, Barbara, it's worth 1 million dollars."
Barbara: "It's a cuckoo."
Regis: "You're sure? You can walk with the $500,000 or play on for the million."
Barbara: "I want to play, I'll go with C - Cuckoo."
Regis: "Is that your final answer?"
Barbara: "It is."Regis: "Barbara.....you had $500,000 and you said C - Cuckoo. Well....you're right! - You have just won ONE MILLION DOLLARS Here is your check. You have been great!"
That night Barbara meets her friend Carol at a local bar. As they are sipping their champagne. Carol turns to Barbara and asks, "Tell me, how did you know that it was the cuckoo that does not build its own nest?" "It was so simple," Barbara replied, "Everybody knows that cuckoos live in clocks."

to drop back - zostać w tyle
to have a go - spróbować
a nest - gniazdo
a robin - rudzik
a sparrow - wróbel
a cuckoo - kukułka
a thrush - drozd
to sip - sączyć


JDJ Bachalski The largest currency note ever printed in the US was the $100,000.00 Gold Certificate, Series 1934. These were used for transactions between the Federal Reserve Banks and weren't circulated to the general public.

Six Signs You Have Too Much Money

JDJ Bachalski 1. You own your very own secret spy agency.
2. Upon consulting your records, you learn, to your surprise, that you own Ecuador.
3. Most of your afternoons are spent lying outside in a loose pile of fifties.
4. Those "James Bond" movie people always want to borrow your Ferrari.
5. Gas clerkhas a fit when you ask if he can break a thousand.
6. You bet countries for your golf wager.

records - rejestr, akta
a pile - sterta
a gas clerk - pracownik na stacji benzynowej
to have a fit - mieć atak; mieć napad padaczkowy
to break - rozmienić
to bet - postawić [pieniądze]
a wager - zakład


Complete the following text.

Piggy banks get their (1) _ _ _ _ from a type of clay (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ pygg. Pygg clay was originally (3) _ _ _ _ to make jars in which people (4) _ _ _ _ _ money. Because they were (5) _ _ _ _ _ as pygg jars or pygg banks, they eventually were made in the (6) _ _ _ _ _ of pigs and (7) _ _ _ _ _ called piggy banks.

Answer Key:
Answer key: 1. name, 2. called, 3. used, 4. saved, 5. known, 6. shape, 7. later.

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