Test Archives 2

Test Archives 2
Test 20
Insert the correct prepositions into the following sentences:

"Hey, Mike, can I use your printer for a second?" "Oh, go .
(jasne/alez prosze cie bardzo)
2. "We are going to Manhattan Deli for lunch, would you like to come
(pojsc z nami? przylaczyc sie do nas)
3. Don't run so fast! I can't keep you!
(nadazyc za toba)
4. Jerry's out of the office today. I think he came the flu.
(zachorowal na)
5. I need to finish packing. Tomorrow at 5 a.m. I am leaving New Orleans.
(wyjezdzam do)
6. The Police are coming to Poland for a concert! I heard it Radio Maryja!
(w radiu)
7. Mommy, the kids at school are laughing me because I can't make a hoop.
(smieja sie ze mnie)
8. We have to look this problem as soon as possible. Otherwise it's going to get worse.
(przyjrzec sie temu problemowi, zbadac go)
9. If I were you, I would think it . You don't want to make a $10,000 mistake, do you?
(przemyslalbym to)
10. Please, report to the officer duty arrival.
(oficer na sluzbie / natychmiast po przyjezdzie)

Test 21

Insert "other/others - the other/the others - another"

I have two kids, one is 7, is 5.

2. This juice is so good I think I am going to have glass.

3. Some of my friends really enjoy coming here, would rather stay home and watch TV.

4. Let's split into two groups, James, Morgan, Bo and Cheryl go this way, follow me.

5. I can't talk to you now, could you call me some time?

Test 22

Insert the correct phrase with the word "enough":

1.He is not for this job.

2. We need to do some serious recruitment. We don't have to start the season.

3. I can't emphasize it : we need to deliver quality service at a competitive price.

4. Did you have ? Would you like something else?

5. Do you think we will have to stop for dinner?

Test 23

Use the correct expressions from the Idiom Archives to complete these sentences:

1.We need to , she didn't do anything wrong.

2. Why can I never find my contacts?

3. New car, new TV! Have you been promoted?

4. Theresa wanted to have a day off, but her boss wouldn't let her. She was not a

5. - Who won the Oscar for the best director in 1968?


Test 24

Infinitive or -ing?

1. I've always enjoyed , it's an old family tradition.

Can you imagine work 14 hours a day with only an hour break for lunch?

3. They refused my note because they think it's bogus.

4. How can you offer a loan if your checks bounce all the time?

5.Please remind me tonight's episode of "CSI Miami".

to chase = gonic
bogus = nie prawdziwy, falszywy (hmm, ten Bogus Linda)
a loan = pozyczka
the check bounces = czek nie ma pokrycia w banku

Test 25

Forms and meanings of use/used

1. What to unclog that toilet?

Did your parents make you eat stuff you didn't like?

3. I can't working the graveyard shift.

4. I am slowly the new apartment. It will get better when I buy some furniture.

5. When I was a kid, I
play soccer at least three hours a day.

to unclog something = odetkac cos (If you eat at McDonald's every day, your arteries will clog up)
graveyard shift = nocna zmiana

Test 26

Yet / already
Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Jest dopiero druga, a ty juz w domu? Co sie stalo?

2. Miejsce spotkania jeszcze nie zostalo ustalone.

3. Czy moglabys juz zaczac gotowac?

4. Przed nami dlugie i trudne negocjacje, a jednak idziemy do przodu (wybaczcie, ale pora jest juz taka wlasnie).

Czy powiedziales juz zonie o wypadku?

miejsce spotkania - meeting place
ustalic - agree on, decide
idziemy do przodu - tu: we press on

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