Test Archives 3

Test 27
on / in / for / at
1.- How much do I owe you for that drink?
- Oh, don't worry about it, it's the house (na koszt firmy)

2. Blue jeans have always been , haven't they? (zawsze byly modne)

3. We were traveling the speed of 78 mph. (z szybkoscia)

4. What does BDA stand ? (oznacza)

5. Rebecca is a very dependable friend, you can always count her (liczyc na nia)

6. Why are you mad me? I didn't do anything wrong. (zly na mnie)

7. Tomorrow is Saturday! I can finally sleep ! (pospac dluzej)

8. Sherry has no idea about the party. She's a surprise! (zdziwi sie)

9. - Jackie, would you please help the customer on aisle 6?
- Right boss. (juz sie robi szefunciu)

10. Mr. Roberts? Jennifer is not the office the moment. Would you like to leave her a message? (nie ma jej w biurze w tej chwili)

Test 28
Provide the most suitable word in each sentence
1. Nobody deserves a more than George. He is a great worker!

2. tomorrow about 2.30, OK?

3. Did you see the of Miller's speech?

4. Our institute is going to on bipolar disease.

5. Don't you think she when she was talking about her travels?

Test 29

A few / few / a little / little
1. I'd like to offer suggestions if I may.

2. Please hurry up, I have very time.

3. I feel nervous. Maybe it's because this is my first important exam.

4. This library has foreign language books.

5. If I had more money, I'd buy a new computer.

Test 30

gonna / wanna / gotta
1. I am sure that they stay overnight (Jestem pewna, ze beda chcieli zostac na noc).

2. Don't be afraid. I hurt you (Nie boj sie, nie mialem zamiaru cie skrzywdzic).

3. quite interesting to live with your 102 year-old grandpa.

4. be any good music at the party? (Czy na imprezie bedzie jakies disco-polo?).

5. be in your shoes (Nie chcialbym byc w twojej skorze).

Test 31

Slowka czasowe
1. (Jak tylko ja zobacze) I will ask her about Peter's whereabouts.

2. Stay here (az do Ciebie zadzwonie) .

3. (Zanim zaczniemy jesc) , Terry (nam powie) the good news.

4. (Nie dostaniesz deseru) if (nie posprzatasz) your room.

5. (Po tym jak) my article, (zjem cos) .

32 Surprise! Mini-Crossword Puzzle

Jak to sie robi: sprawa jest prosta, jest 5 poziomych hasel, ktore nalezy rozwiazac i wpisac. Jedno jedyne pionowe slowo, ktore ma sens, jest juz wpisane. Pozostale pionowe nie beda go mialy, wiec skoncentruj sie na poziomie. Jezeli haslo jest w jezyku polskim, to odpowiedz bedzie w jezyku angielskim, i na odwrot. 1P oznacza, ze rozwiazanie bedzie w jezyku polskim, a 2E, ze w angielskim. Na przyklad:

Haslo: "It's nice to have one of those next to your house, but it also requires a lot of work"
Rozwiazanie: "ogrod"

Haslo: "...w wodzie albo na gardle"
Rozwiazanie: "Knife".

Prawda, ze proste?
Nasze wpisane slowo MUNCH oznacza, "przekaszac, zagryzac".

-What are you munching on?
-Crackers. You want some?

[Mozesz poruszac sie pomiedzy polami krzyzowki wciskajac klawisz TAB]


1. A small picture would easily fit in it.
2. Zwierze "pachnace inaczej".
3. Lots of hooligans in one place.
4. Dziwak nad dziwakami, albo przydomek Michaela Jacksona.
5. It likes to use dogs for transportation.

Test 33

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Chcialabym umiec sie obronic, nie musialabym sie wtedy bac bandziorow.
2. Nie powinnismy musiec placic za tego rodzaju usluge.
3. Bedziesz musial umiec sie przystosowac do nowych zasad.
4. Nie mozna im pozwolic zeby tak nas traktowali.
5. Byc moze bede musiala wrocic juz jutro.
6. Byc moze nie bede w stanie sam wypelnic tego formularza.
7. Czy w tej pracy musisz byc w stanie uniesc minimum 100 funtow?
8. Chcielibyscie umiec fruwac? Ja tak.
9. Powinno ci byc wolno korzystac z kuchni przynajmniej raz dziennie, co nie?
10. No co tak patrzysz? W koncu nie musze umiec gotowac wszystkiego.

Test 34

Kolejny test z Idiomow Dnia:

1. I am so pooped! I've been for my boss all day.

2. The pizza was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Someone at the pizza parlor must
have again.

3. Loren was recommended for the Employee of the Month Award as someone who is always ready to help and .

4. - Would you like to go to Bon Jovi's concert with us?
- I don't know. Their stuff isn't really . I will think about it.

5. of all these stupid reality shows! Let's turn this TV off.

Test 35

Which "ever"?

1. Jimmy, talk to that lady who asked you to call her this morning?

2. Yep! This is what I want to do this summer! I been to Japan before.

3. Never in my life seen such a scene.

4. I left you a message on the microwave last night, ever read it?

5. How can they say something like that about me? They met me!

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