Things Americans Say 51-55

Things Americans Say [7]
to go overboard
Presented by Jim and his lovely wife Joyce

Dzisiejszy zwrot traktuje o przesadzaniu, ale ja nie przesadze, jezeli powiem, ze istnieje mozliwosc iz Jim i Joyce to najmilsi ludzie jakich kiedykolwiek mialem okazje w zyciu poznac, a mam szczescie znac ich juz od ponad 11 lat. Jedno z nich pochodzi z Wielkiej Brytanii, ciekaw jestem czy po wysluchaniu ich krotkiego dialogu zgadniecie ktore. "To go overboard", gdyby nie bylo zwrotem idiomatycznym mogloby znaczyc "wyjsc poza burte". Jednak powinniscie go uzyc wtedy, kiedy bedzie mowa o przesadzaniu, krancowosci, itp. Mozna powiedziec "to go overboard on something" lub "to go overboard with something". Byc moze zechcecie posluchac Jima i Joyce kilka razy, ale nie przesadzajcie ;)
Today's phrase has to do with exaggerating, but it won't be an exaggeration if I tell you that Jim and Joyce are possibly the nicest people I have ever met in my life, and I am fortunate to have known them for over 11 years now. One of them comes from Great Britain, I wonder if, after listening to their short dialog, you can guess which one. "To go overboard" could mean to "go off the board of a ship" were it not an idiomatic phrase. You should, however, use it when talking about exaggerating, going to extremes, etc. We can say "to go overboard on something" or "to go overboard with something". You may want to listen to Jim and Joyce several times. Just don't go overboard, please. :)

- I think we should have swans in front of the church for Sandy's wedding.
- Swans? Don't you think it would be going overboard just a little bit?

be there or be square
Presented by ME :)

I and two chips off the old block ;)

Jezeli Twoja dieta polega glownie na spozywaniu paczkow i pizzy, to albo juz jestes albo niedlugo bedziesz okragly/la. Jezeli idac ulica zahaczasz o druty TPSA, to jestes podluzny/a, a jezeli jestes bywalcem walca, albo lubisz tak po prostu dla zabawy powalcowac jakas droge, to - coz - jestes chyba waleczny/a. Najgorzej jednak gdyby mialo sie okazac, ze jestes kwadratowy/a. W jezyku jak najbardziej ojczystym powiemy: wapniak, sztywniak. Kwadratowi ludzie nie chca sie bawic z reszta, wola siedziec w kacie i udawac trojkatnych, co i tak im nie wyjdzie, bo ich kwadratowosc jest widoczna golym okiem. "Be there or be square" to powiedzonko, ktore uslyszysz kiedy ktos zaprasza Cie na jakas impreze. To takie zaproszenie z wyzwaniem: "przyjdz, albo pomysle, ze jestes wapniak". Jednak nikt sie nie obrazi slyszac takie slowa. To po prostu jedno z takich smiesznych, rymowanych powiedzonek, jakich wiele w angielskim. Jak widac na fotce, wapno ze mnie splywa w postacie kwadratowego pustaka. Ale to juz niestety te lata :) O matko, jak ja to przetlumacze?
If your diet is based mainly on donuts and pizza, you are either already round or you will be soon. If while walking in the street your head bonks against Bell South's phone wires, you are long, and if you are a frequent steamroller user or you just like to level some asphalt every now and then, you must be brave (oh, boy, this REALLY doesn't work in English :)) But if you turned out to be square, that would really stink. In Polish we'd say you're, well ... stiff, more or less. Square people don't want to have fun with others. They'd much rather sit in the corner and pretend to be triangular, but that never works because their 'squarness' is so plain to see for everyone. "Be there or be square" is a phrase you might hear when someone's inviting you to a social event of some kind. It's an invitation/challenge type of thing: "come, or else other people are going to think you're square, uncool." However, nobody is going to be insulted by these words. It's simply one of those cute, rhymed sayings that English language is full of. As you can see in the photo, I'm definitely old enough to be square :)

- We're having a picnic in Regency Park tomorrow, be there or be square.
- I'll be there. I promise.

you blew me off!
Presented by Mary

Mary jest jedna z tych osob, na ktore nie mozna sie obrazic. Zawsze pelna zycia i usmiechnieta. W mojej opinii ratuje wizerunek swojego dzialu, ktory czasem bierze siebie zbyt powaznie probujac sprzedawac jakies pokoje w hotelu czy cos w ten desen, jakby od tego zalezala przyszlosc calej zachodniej hemisfery wliczajac Kanade (oj, oberwie mi sie za to). W kazdym razie, jak na kogos, kto musi robic to co robi dzien w dzien, jej postawa jest godna podziwu. To co nie jest godne podziwu to to, ze Chris po raz kolejny nie przyszedl na umowione spotkanie. Olal sobie. "To blow someone off" oznacza wlasnie to. Kiedy ktos nam to robi jestemy zli, rozczarowani i mamy ochote juz sie z ta osoba wiecej nie spotykac. W podobnej sytuacji mozemy tez uzyc zwrotu: "to stand someone up" ("you stood me up). Mam nadzieje, ze nie jestescie ludzmi, ktorzy tak postepuja wobec przyjaciol :)
Mary is one of those people you can't get angry with. Always full of beans and always beaming. In my opinion she salvages the reputation of her department, which sometimes takes itself too seriously trying to sell hotel space or whatever it is that they're doing, as though the future of the whole Western Hemisphere (including Canada) depended on it (I WILL get in trouble for that). Anyhow, for someone who has to do what she does day in and day out, her attitude is to be commended. What is not to be commended though, is the fact that Chris did not show up for the date again. He blew her off. When someone "blows us off" we're angry, disappointed and we feel like we never want to see that person again. In a situation like that we can also use the phrase: "to stand someone up". I hope you're not the kind of person who would treat a friend in such a way :)

- OK, mister, this is your last chance. If you blow me off again, you're history.
- It was YOU who stood me up the last time, not me. What are you talking about?

I'm game
Presented by Paula

Paula pracuje w muzeum historycznym Old Brunswick, ktore mialem przyjemnosc odwiedzic w ostatni weekend (przeczytacie o tym tutaj). Przed nia na stole widzicie roznego rodzaju gry, w ktore dawno temu grali mieszkancy Brunswicka i okolic (a przynajmniej tak mi sie wydaje), stad pomysl na takie wlasnie wyrazenie dnia. Kiedy ktos mowi "I'm game" oznacza to, ze jest gotow na to by przylaczyc sie do tego co mu proponujemy, cos w rodzaju "mozesz na mnie liczyc, pisze sie na to". Przy okazji, slowo "game" oznacza takze "zwierzyne lowna, dziczyzne", wiec jezeli ktos Cie zaprasza na polowanie, a Ty sie na to piszesz, nie mow raczej "I'm game", bo mozesz byc pierwszy do odstrzalu.
Paula works for the historical museum of Old Brunswick which I had the pleasure of visiting this past weekend (you will read about it in here). On the table in front of her you see a display of all kinds of games people from Brunswick and vicinities used to play (at least that's what I think), thus the idea for this phrase today. When someone says "I'm game" it means that they are ready to join whatever activity we're proposing, something like "you can count on me, count me in". By the way, the word "game" also means "wild animals hunted for sport or food", so if someone invites you to go hunting, and you want to join, you might want to avoid saying "I'm game" unless you want to be the first victim.

- Stacey, we're thinking of driving to Florida next weekend. Wanna join us?
- Florida? Sure, I'm game.

get real
Presented by Olyvia, Jonasz and yours truly (wasz szczerze oddany)

Kiedy juz wszystkie zabawki sa odlozone na miejsce, a kolacja zjedzona, lubie sobie usiasc z latoroslami przy stole i w pidzamach podyskutowac o polityce. Jest to teraz o wiele latwiejsze, bo dzieki internetowi mozemy codziennie ogladac Teleexpress, TVN24, sluchac Trojki albo jakiejs innej fajnej stacji. Potem przy kawie i ciachach pielegnujemy polska tradycje, ktora nakazuje, ze gdzie czworo Polakow, tam piec opinii na jeden temat. Dzisiejsze powiedzonko oznacza mniej wiecej: "obudz sie, otworz oczy na rzeczywistosc, ocknij sie i zacznij postrzegac swiat w sposob realistyczny". Jak uslyszycie w nagraniu, jestem szykanowany za moje poglady i mysle, ze skonczy sie to tym, ze zablokuje korytarz wiodacy do kuchni i bedzie zero deseru.
When all the toys have been put away and the supper has been eaten, I like to sit around the table with my offspring and talk about politics. It is a lot easier now, as, thanks to the Internet, every day we can watch Teleexpress, TVN24 and listen to Trojka or other cool radio stations. Then, sipping coffee and eating cookies we cultivate the Polish tradition which says that where there are four Poles, they will have five different opinions on one subject. Today's phrase means more or less: "wake up, open your eyes to the reality, start to perceive the world in a realistic manner". As you will hear in the recording, I am persecuted for my views and I think I'm going to end up barricading the hallway that leads to the kitchen which will result in 'no dessert' policy.

- I think Sarah really likes me.
- Get real Fred, Sarah has a boyfriend and they're in love with each other.

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