Things Americans Say 56-60

Things Americans Say [8]
wake up and smell the coffee
Presented by Harrison and Duffy

Najkrotszym wyjasnieniem tego powiedzonka byloby odwolanie sie do wyrazenia nr 55, bo "get real" i "wake up and smell the coffee" to praktycznie blizniaki, ktore oznaczaja "obudz sie i zobacz co naprawde sie dzieje" albo mowiac jezykiem co niektorych poslow z ulicy bardzo Wiejskiej "dej se chopie rady". Duffy (z prawej) byl wlasciwym czlowiekiem we wlasciwym miejscu, zeby nauczyc Was tego, a nie innego wyrazenia, poniewaz na co dzien ma do czynienia z kawa pracujac w malej, uroczej kawiarence w Garner. Harrison wpadl tylko w odwiedziny, ale bez niego dzisiejsza prezentacja nie bylaby tak ciekawa, prawda?
The shortest way to define this expression would be to refer you to phrase 55 in the archives, since "get real" and "wake up and smell the coffee" are practically twins which mean "wake up and see what is really happening" or, to use the lingo of some of the deputies from the Polish parliament, "dej se chopie rady". Duffy (on the right) was the right person in the right place to teach you this expression because he deals with coffee every day while working at a little charming cafe in Garner. Harrison just happened to drop by, but without him today's presentation wouldn't be the same, would it?

- My manager wants to talk to me. I think I'm getting a raise (raise = podwyzka).
- Wake up and smell the coffee (get real), you've been with this company for three weeks and you think you're getting a raise?

go with the flow
Presented by Chris and Sherry

Najwyzszy czas zeby zaczac molestowac moich nowych wspolpracownikow. Jak juz wiecie, niedawno zmienilem prace i powoli ucze sie nowych rzeczy, a przy okazji poznaje bardzo milych i pomocnych ludzi. Dzisiejszy idiom oznacza "isc z nurtem", czyli 'pozwolic aby sprawy rozwijaly sie swoim wlasnym biegiem i nie przejmowac sie za bardzo jaki bedziemy mieli na nie wplyw'. Czasem taka postawa moze byc postrzegana calkiem pozytywnie, innym razem, szczegolnie kiedy poddajemy sie jakims negatywnym wplywom podczas gdy powinnismy walczyc o dobre racje, zasluguje na krytyke. Jezeli nie wiesz jak rozstrzygnac tego rodzaju sytuacje, mozesz po prostu "robic jak wszyscy", czyli "go with the flow" (czasownik, ktory ma to samo znaczenie to conform)
It's about time I started molesting my new coworkers. As you know, not too long ago I changed jobs and I am slowly learning new things while getting to know very nice and helpful people. Today's phrase means "to let things develop on their own and not worry about how we can influence them". Sometimes this kind of attitude can be perceived as quite positive, other times, especially when we yield to negative pressure when in fact we should stand for the right thing, it deserves criticism. If you don't know how to discern between the two, just do what everybody else is doing, "go with the flow" (the verb that carries the same meaning is conform).

- When I was in college, I really didn't have any role models. I just went with the flow and somehow managed to graduate in spite of many difficulties.

to wing it
Presented by Olyvia and Me :)

Wy wszyscy, ktorzy znacie mnie osobiscie, wiecie dobrze, ze bez krotkofalowki nie potrafie zyc. Ooops, mialem na mysli lokowke. Moja nadworna fryzjerka Olyvia, jak prawdziwa profesjonalistka potrafi prowadzic dialog podczas krecenia. A nakrecilismy dzisiaj dla Was odcinek o skrzydle. Choc nie do konca. Czasownik "to wing (it)" oznacza "improwizowac, robic cos bez przygotowania". Ci z Was, ktorzy miewali ze mna lekcje na zywo jeszcze w Polsce wiedza dokladnie o czym mowie. Nawiasem mowiac, jedna z najlepszych lekcji jaka mi wyszla, wydarzyla sie wtedy gdy zapomnialem zabrac z domu materialow i trzeba bylo zaimprezowac. To znaczy, zaimprowizowac.

All of you who know me personally know well that I can't live without a walkie-talkie. Ooops, I meant a curling iron. My court hairdresser Olyvia can converse like a real professional while curling. Today we shot an episode about a wing for you. Well, not exactly. The verb "to wing (it)" means "to improvise, do something without preparation". Those of you who had live lessons with me back in Poland know exactly what I'm talking about. Actually, one of the best lessons that I did took place when I forgot to bring my materials with me which called for a little partying, I mean, winging. (Disclaimer for readers who don't speak Polish: the English rendering might sound a bit strange to you, it is only because some of the plays on words used in the Polish text don't work at all in English).

- How was your CAE exam?
- Don't ask. I didn't work on the material at all.
- Don't tell me you tried to wing it!
- As a matter of fact, I did try to wing it.
- And?
- What do you think? I flunked (to flunk an exam = oblac egzamin)

I get the message
Presented by Jonasz and my better half :)

Jak to bywa z idiomami, czasem ich idiomatyczne znaczenie bardzo rozni sie od doslownego. Przyklad? Prosze bardzo: "give me a ring". Pierwsze skojarzenie native'a to oczywiscie "zadzwon do mnie", ale przeciez przy odrobinie wyobrazni zwrot ten moze tez oznaczac "daj mi pierscionek". A skoro juz o dzwonieniu mowa, to kiedy juz ktos do nas zadzwoni, a nas nie nie ma to zostawi nam message, czyli wiadomosc. Dzisiejszy idiom z wiadomoscia w tle ma jednak troszke inne znaczenie. "I get the message" z czesto towarzyszacym "OK, OK", to wyraz zniecierpliwienia w odpowiedzi na czyjes nagabywania, cos w stylu polskiego "dobra, dobra, juz sie robi" (dotarlo do mnie, daj juz spokoj, etc.) Mozna go tez uzyc, kiedys ktos zbyt gorliwie nam probuje wytlumaczyc cos, co dla nas jest zupelnie oczywiste.
That's the way it is with idioms, sometimes their colloquial meaning is very different from their literal meaning. Example? Here we go: "give me a ring". The first thing that comes to a native speaker's mind is "call me", but with a little imagination the same phrase can mean, well ... "give me a ring". Speaking of telephones, when someone finally gives us a ring and we're not home, they can leave us a message. Today's phrase with message in the background has somewhat different meaning, though. "I get the message" often accompanied by "OK, OK" is a sign of impatience towards someone's nagging, something like "OK, OK, I am doing it". You can also use it when someone is too zealous trying to explain something that is perfectly obvious to you.
(Disclaimer for readers who don't speak Polish: the English rendering might sound a bit strange to you, it is only because some of the plays on words used in the Polish text don't work at all in English).

- OK, students. Remember you only have 20 minutes for the test. And don't cheat! You hear me? Don't cheat. If I catch anyone cheating, I will have to talk with their parents, so no cheating! Is that clear? I don't want to see anyone cheating, and ...
- All right professor, I think we get the message. Can we start the test now?
- You can, but no cheating, OK?
- We know! Why do you keep saying that?
- Oh, it's just for all those clickandbiters in Poland, who are learning new American phrases.

snap out of it
Presented by Karen and Autumn

Thank you Karen and Autumn! Well done!

Autumn, najlepsza kolezanka mojej corki, na pewno nie jest uzalezniona od telewizji, ale dzisiaj kogos takiego bedzie udawac dla dobra wszystkich Clickandbiterow. W rzeczywistosci Autumn to mloda, bystra dama o ogromnym potencjale i jej rodzice moga byc naprawde z niej dumni. Dzisiaj wraz z mama oraz przy akompaniamencie najmlodszej siostry Brianny, Autumn chce Was nauczyc zwrotu, ktory mniej wiecej oznacza: "hej! obudz sie! otrzasnij sie, daj sobie z tym spokoj, nie przejmuj sie az tak". Uzyjemy go wtedy, kiedy osoba do ktorej sie zwracamy wydaje sie byc w glebokim zamysleniu i z poczatku nie reaguje na to co mowimy, albo jest bardzo przejeta jakims wydarzeniem i chcemy ja przywolac do rzeczywistosci. Zwrot "snap your fingers" oznacza tzw. "strzelenie palcami" (np. wtedy gdy w niegrzeczny sposob przywolujemy kelnera), stad wyrazenie "snap out of it" czesto idzie w parze wlasnie z takim strzeleniem palcow.
Autumn, my daughter's best friend, definitely isn't a couch potato, but today she will pretend to be one for the good of all of you Clickandbiters out there. In reality, Autumn is a bright, young lady with huge potential, and her parents can really be proud of her. Today, along with her Mom and accompanied by her youngest sister, Brianna, Autumn would like to teach you a phrase that means more or less "wake up". We can use it, when the person we're talking to seems to be deep in thought and at first does not react to what we say or when someone is so preoccupied with some kind of event/situation and we want to bring that person back to reality.
Inne idiomatyczne zwroty z czasownikiem "snap":
it's a snap = to pestka, to bardzo latwe

to snap back = szybko wyzdrowiec
snap to it = pospiesz sie, no juz, na jednej nodze
to snap = stracic panowanie nad soba, wpasc w szal
(Disclaimer for readers who don't speak Polish: the English rendering might sound a bit strange to you, it is only because some of the plays on words used in the Polish text don't work at all in English).

- How I wish I could be young again... I feel so old, so tired, so useless...
- Oh, snap out of it, you're only 29. Let's go out and have some fun.

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