Things Americans Say 61-65

Things Americans Say [9]

Pledge of Allegiance
Presented by Olyvia and Jonasz

Dzisiaj okazja nadzwyczajna. Najwazniejsze swieto narodowe w USA. Dlatego zamiast idiomu czy powiedzonka, bedziemy slubowac fladze. Olyvia i Jonasz zaprezentuja Wam owo slubowanie. Moga to robic z czystym sumieniem, bo maja podwojne obywatelstwo. Ja natomiast, prosze panstwa, jestem Polak z urodzenia i z umarcia. I to juz sie nigdy nie zmieni.
Today we have a very special day. The most important national holiday in USA. Therefore, instead of having an idiom or some kind of phrase, we're going to pledge the allegiance to the flag. Olyvia and Jonasz will show you how to do it. They can do it, because they are dual citizens. I, on the other hand, am a Pole by birth and by death. And that will never change.

Oto Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

to pledge - przysiegac
allegiance - lojalnosc, wiernosc
Republic for which it stands -Rebublika, ktora ta flaga reprezentuje
indivisible - nierozlaczalny, nie dajacy sie rozdzielic
liberty - wolnosc
justice - sprawiedliwosc

take a chill pill
Presented by Amanda and Erik

Wiecie jak bardzo dbam o szczegoly, dlatego dzisiaj, 4 lipca, w Dzien Niepodleglosci, chcialem znalezc dwie osoby, ktorych polaczone imiona moglyby odzwierciedlic wage tego swieta. McGregor Park byl pelen ludzi, wszyscy czekalismy na pokaz sztucznych ogni, a ja dzielnie wilem sie z mikrofonem i pytalem wszystkich o imie. No i w koncu znalazlem. Gdyby przestawic litery w imieniach Amanda i Erik, to wyjdzie nam Da Amerikan. "Da" to "the" w jezyku czarnym, a wiec zadbalismy o poprawnosc polityczna, "Amerikan", to Amerykanin przez "k", czyli nawet taki, ktory nie zna dobrze ortografii. Bo tu dla kazdego jest miejsce. OK, OK, moze nie do konca tak bylo z tym szukaniem imion, ale przyznacie sami, ze calkiem fajnie wyszlo :) "Take a chill pill" to po prostu "wyluzuj sie, nie martw sie, uspokoj sie" albo bardziej doslownie "wez sobie tabletke na luz". Fajne, co nie?
You know how much I care for details, don't you? That's why today, on July 4th, I really wanted to find two people whose combined names could reflect the importance of this holiday. McGregor Park was crowded this evening, we were all waiting for the fireworks, and all that while I was roaming around with the microphone asking people their names. Finally, I found what I needed. If you rearrange the letters in Amanda and Erik's names, you will get "Da Amerikan". "Da" means "the" in ebonics, so we took care of the political correctness factor, and "Amerikan", is an "American" with a "k", which means we also included those who can't spell well. Because in America, there's room for everyone. All right, all right, maybe it wasn't quite that way with looking for those names, but you must admit that it worked out beautifully. "Take a chill pill" means simply "chill out, don't worry, calm down". Pretty cool phrase, isn't it?

- We'll never make it on time. I just know it. We're always late.
- Hey, easy, take a chill pill, we still have 2 hours. It'll be fine. They're not gonna start without the bride's mother, are they?

to bend over backwards
Presented by Walter and Sam

Having in-laws is a real blessing, as all of you married people know. Having two sets of in-laws is even better. Why? Because it's always an extra phrase I can record without bugging those poor strangers in the streets. Today I am introducing you to my wife's father, and stepmother. They traveled all the way from Nebraska to do this recording. That's what I call commitment. Today's phrase is the equivalent of the Polish saying "to stand on your head". You might want to use it to emphasize that you are doing your best to please someone, whatever the outcome might turn out to be.
Posiadanie tesciow to prawdziwe blogoslawienstwo, jak wszyscy z Was, ktorzy nosicie obraczki wiecie. Posiadanie dwoch zestawow tesciow jest jeszcze lepsze. Dlaczego? Poniewaz to zawsze dodatkowe wyrazenie, ktore moge nagrac bez potrzeby zaczepiania biednych przechodniow. Dzisiaj przedstawiam Wam ojca i macoche mojej zony. Przyjechali az z Nebraski zeby sie nagrac. To sie nazywa poswiecenie. Dzisiejsze wyrazenie odpowiada polskiemu "stawac na glowie". Mozecie go uzyc do podkreslenia faktu, ze staracie sie jak mozecie zeby kogos zadowolic, obojetnie jaki bedzie rezultat owych staran.

to bend - zginac
to bend over - pochylic sie, zgiac sie w pol
to bend over backwards - doslownie: zgiac sie do tylu

- My mother always bends over backwards when I come to visit. She wants everything to be just perfect.
- That's nice of her.
- Well, it is, but sometimes I wish she'd just relax and talk to me.

(it's) no picnic /a walk in the park
Presented by Olyvia, Jonasz and me

it's no picnic =
to nic przyjemnego
it's not a walk in the park = to nic prostego
it's a walk in the park = latwizna

Going to the park is a lot of fun for both kids and adults. Going to the park just to take a picture to go with the phrase of the day is a little sick, but fun nevertheless. Today's phrases can be used when we mean to say that something is not an easy thing to do, that it requires a lot of hard work and dedication (it's not a walk in the park) or that it's not fun (it's no picnic). At this time of the year lots of people like going to parks and having picnics or grills. But sometimes, if you have to watch a bunch of kids, the mosquitos are trying to eat you alive, and on top of that, one of the kids gets hurt (that happened to us just a few days ago), even a picnic is no picnic.
Wizyta w parku to frajda zarowno dla dzieciakow jak i dla doroslych. Wizyta w parku tylko po to by zrobic zdjecie, ktore bedzie para do wyrazenia dnia jest deczko chore, niemniej jednak dostarcza zabawy. Dzisiejsze wyrazenia moze byc uzyte kiedy chcemy powiedziec, ze cos nie jest prostym zadaniem , ze wymaga duzo ciezkiej pracy i poswiecenia (it's not a walk in the park) lub nie jest niczym przyjemnym (it's no picnic). W tym okresie roku wielu ludzi lubi pojechac do parku na piknik, czy grilla. Jednak czasem, jezeli trzeba opiekowac sie banda dzieciakow, komary chca cie zjesc zywcem, a na dodatek, jedno z dzieci robi sobie jakas krzywde (nam sie tak przydarzylo kilka dni temu) to nawet piknik nie jest niczym przyjemnym.
Inne zwroty zwiazane z tematem:
it's a piece of cake - bulka z maslem, latwizna
it's a snap - jak wyzej

- Hey, how was your first day on the new job?
- Well, I pictured it to be a lot easier, but it seems it's going to be no picnic working there.

(it's) music to my ears
Presented by David and Karen

Inne idiomy z music lub ears.

to face the music
= poniesc konsekwencje
I'm all ears = zamieniam sie w sluch
We all love receiving good news, don't we? And we all play musical instruments, right? No?? What are you waiting for then? Take up some music lessons. There are so many instruments to choose from. Well, anyway, today's phrase is just what you need when you want to respond to good news. "It's music to my ears" means "this is what I want to hear, hearing this makes me happy". Today's teachers are David and Karen, really good friends of ours. I visited them last weekend. They live in Hickory, North Carolina, some 180 miles west of here, and they have two wonderful children whom you will meet in the next episode of "Things Americans Say".
P.S. Raquel and I lived in Hickory between 1991 and 1996, and Olyvia was born there.
Wszyscy bardzo lubimy otrzymywac dobre wiadomosci, prawda? Wszyscy tez gramy na jakims instrumencie, tak? NIE?? Na co w takim razie czekacie? Zapiszcie sie na lekcje muzyki. Jest tyle instrumentow do wyboru. No dobra, tak czy owak, dzisiejsze powiedzonko jest idealne gdy chcemy zareagowac na dobra wiadomosc. "It's music to my ears" oznacza "to jest wlasnie to co chce uslyszec, slyszac to jestem szczesliwa/y". Dzisiejsi nauczyciele to David i Karen, nasi bardzo dobrzy znajomi. Odwiedzilem ich w ostatni weekend. Mieszkaja w Hickory, Karolina Polnocna, jakies 290 km na zachod stad i maja dwojke wspanialych dzieci, ktore bedziecie mieli okazje poznac w nastepnym odcinku "Things Americans Say".
P.S. Raquel i ja mieszkalismy w Hickory od 1991 do 1996 roku, tam tez urodzila sie Olyvia.

- Did you hear? Mrs. Skucha is not going to teach English next year.
- Really? That's music to my ears! I hope they will replace her with some decent teacher.

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