Things Americans Say 66-70
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- Nadrzędna kategoria: Clickandbite
- Kategoria: KrazyTalk
flipping out! Presented by Geoffrey and Katie | |
Thanks so much Geoffrey and Katie! You're the best! | Flip.
What an interesting verb. In most cases it will describe a physical action, but
sometimes it can refer to our psyche. In the picture Geoffrey is flipping physically,
but his twin sister Katie has reasons to believe that he had too much sugar. What's
the deal with American kids and sugar? There is scientific evidence that too much
sugar makes kids hyper, and so when a kid is acting completely crazy, a concerned
parent might say: "Yep, he's had too much sugar again". Today's phrase,
expressed in Katie's loud announcement means "he's going crazy, he's acting
somewhat irresponsibly, he's out of control". Fortunately, Geoffrey prefers
to do flips that have nothing to do with being on sugar. He is a gymnast in training,
and - who knows? - perhaps one day you will watch him accepting an Olympic medal?
Flip. Alez ciekawy czasownik. W wiekszosci przypadkow bedzie okreslal czynnosc fizyczna, ale czasem moze odnosic sie do naszej psychiki. Na zdjeciu Geoffrey robi fizyczna przewrotke, ale Katie, jego blizniacza siostra ma powody by uznac, ze ma za duzo cukru we krwi. O co chodzi z tym cukrem i amerykanskimi dziecmi? Istnieja dowody naukowe, ze zbyt duza ilosc cukru sprawia, ze dzieciaki staja sie hiperaktywne i kiedy jeden z nich zachowuje sie jak wariat, zatroskany rodzic moze powiedziec: "Acha, znowu zjadl za duzo cukru". Dzisiejsze powiedzonko, wyrazone w Kasinym glosnym komunikacie oznacza: "zachowuje sie jak wariat, dziala w sposob nieco nieodpowiedzialny, odbija mu". Na szczescie Geoffrey woli wykonywac przewrotki, ktore nie maja nic wspolnego z posiadaniem zbyt duzej ilosci cukru w organizmie, jest bowiem rozwijajacym sie gimnastykiem i - kto wie? - byc moze pewnego dnia zobaczycie jak przyjmuje olimpijski medal? psyche (SAJ-ki) Interesting usage of FLIP: flip through a newspaper przegladac gazete flip the channels surfowac po kanalach tv flip the coin rzucic moneta |
- Another day like this and I am going to flip out. I can't handle so many things at one time! |
whole kit'n kaboodle (kit and kaboodle) (caly ten kram, pelen pakiet, wszystko od A do Z) Presented by Jeff and Chris | |
| This
phrase sounds so nice when you say it right, that you will look for opportunities
to use it. "The whole kit'n kaboodle" means "everything involved
in what is under consideration" or simply, "the whole thing, all that
stuff". You will notice that my recruits are getting better and better in
acting. Jeff, one of my coworkers, deserves a special Clickandbite Oscar nomination
for his cameo role (Chris, you did well too, don't worry). To wyrazenie brzmi tak fajnie jezeli jest wypowiedziane poprawnie, ze bedziecie szukac okazji, zeby go uzyc. "The whole kit'n kaboodle" oznacza "wszystko co aktualnie mamy na mysli" lub po prostu "caly ten kram, caly pakiet". Zauwazycie, ze moi rekruci graja coraz lepiej. Jeden z moich wspolpracownikow, Jeff, zasluguje na nominacje do specjalnego klykenbajtowego oskara za swoja role (Chris, tobie tez dobrze poszlo, nie martw sie). cameo role [kamijou roul] - mala rola, czesto wymagajaca tylko jednej sceny, czasem zauwazycie, ze w jakims niskobudzetowym filmie, pojawia sie jakas znana gwiazda doslownie na kilka sekund, to wlasnie "cameo role". Inne zwroty, ktore oznaczaja to co "the whole kitten kaboodle": the whole shebang [sze-BANG] the whole ball of wax |
Can I help you pack? What are you taking with you? - Everything. All of my books, family albums, CD's, the whole kit'n kaboodle. |
call it quits skonczyc (robienie czegos), miec dosc Presented by Shelly | |
| I
don't know about you, but there are things in my life that I look forward to ending.
Like work. Or humidity and heat. Or being stuck in the traffic. Today's phrase
means just that: to quit, to finally stop doing something that we have gotten
tired of. I am introducing to you Shelly, another coworker of mine,
who in spite of Monday fatigue, was happy to help you learn this phrase. Another
one that means exactly the same is: call it a day. In most cases
you will want to use this phrase after having worked for a while, when you are
ready to stop and go home. I've written enough, don't you think? I am going to
call it quits now. Bye! Nie wiem jak Wy, ale w moim zyciu sa takie rzeczy, ktorych skonczenia nie moge sie doczekac. Jak praca. Albo wilgotnosc i upal. Albo stanie w korkach. Dzisiejsze wyrazenie wlasnie do tego sie odnosi: przestac, nareszcie skonczyc to co sie robilo, a czym juz jestesmy zmeczeni. Przedstawiam Wam Shelly, kolejna z moich wspolpracowniczek, ktora pomimo poniedzialkowego zmeczenia z przyjemnoscia pomogla Wam nauczyc sie tego powiedzenia. Inne, ktore oznacza dokladnie to samo to: call it a day. W wiekszosci przypadkow bedziecie chcieli uzyc tego wyrazenia po okresie pracy, kiedy jestescie gotowi zeby przestac i isc do domu. Napisalem wystaraczajaco duzo, nie uwazacie? Juz koncze. Nara! |
How are you doing on your science homework, son? - I've done enough for today, I think I am going to call it quits and play some computer games for a change. |
gotcha! mam cie! Presented by Olyvia and Pounce | |
When we bought
Pounce he was such a sweet kitty. As he got to know us, he gained more and more
confidence, until he became this disobedient
beast that he is now. You can tell him 146 times (I counted) to get off the table,
and two minutes later he will be lying right smack in the middle of it, smiling
blissfully. His most recent exercise in defiance
is climbing the screen door. It's actually fun to watch him do that, a lot more
fun than trying to shoo him off the table. It is even more fun to close the balcony
glass door when he's not looking and watch him grow confused trying to drive his
into the glass. But enough about Pounce. Gotcha is short for "I got
you", and that's what it means. In other situations it can also be translated
as "I understand, I know what you're saying". Got it? |
you looking for an extra sentence with "gotcha"? Gotcha! No extra sentence
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